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About GeorgeEI7KO

  • Birthday 08/14/1975

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  1. I told you before, I'm feirce expensive...
  2. It's the only way to roll. Any day you don't learn, is a waste of a day. Ive lost count now all the handmade bits that have gone onto my old Slabby.
  3. Faired bikes arent my bag at all, But thats nice @dupersunc
  4. Lovely work @clivegtoShe's gonna be a cracker!
  5. I have a set of those spots hanging in the shed. They used to light the road ahead on my rinky dinky 2 stroke way back in the 90's
  6. no ill be away and its crossing over chicken central datewise. Other than that i would. I may still arrive to larrys open day yet.
  7. I've completely fallen flat on my face this year. I haven't got near the bike in two months now due to being busy with 'real life grown up shit' I said i was going to be there on the slab, so much egg on my face now I cant see the keyboard. Sorry all. Next year. I will if it kills me.
  8. Just make some new mounts from some 6mm ally. Job done innit?
  9. Fingers crossed....
  10. Looks like ye all had a ball! @gsxJay's Kat is gorgeous! well done on the trophy. He shoulda got a trophy for the most pissed person there by the looks of it lol. Im busy twirling the spanners here to get the Slabby ready for october
  11. Yeah theres are a good few Spondon's and Harris framed specials knocking around. A lad I know locally has a Magnum 4 turbo. I know a lad down the country with a turbo Spondon also.
  12. I still think it looks like a fat birds arse...
  13. What's her name and her husband will be dissapointed if you don't come
  14. He should be banned for the snoring he did on the Friday night Clive....
  15. The aim for me is to indeed be there and arrive under my own steam on the slabby!
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