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Posts posted by wraith

  1. 2 hours ago, Fazz711 said:

    Hi bud.

    Have you tried swapping the plug that's gone down with one that hasn't to see what happens?


    Not tried swapping plugs that's in the engine but put a used plug (as I've got so many now lol) and as soon as you put a different plug in it runs on all 4.

    I've had a interesting day on the kat today, started off not running on number 4 (which I knew from the last time) so check the spark, all good, put a spear plug in runs on all 4 cleaned the filters and did not oil them.

    Decided to give Dyna UK a bell, to see if they had any ideas. A interesting conversation with them (they believe, with modern fuels the old colour of plug is not as reliable as it was) any way, he told me, he thinks it could be a bad earth (or in his words, a wrongly fitted earth) I've had this earthed to the main earth wire from the battery that goes to the frame (the other big earth goes to the engine) he told me to send the earth wire from the Dyna 2000 start to the engine cases and see what happens. Well did that, started the bike, running on 3 (before it was running on all 4) so checked not running on number 4 again but this time not spark on number 4 interesting I think, so it's got to be the Dyna 2000, so I get the miss to come a help me to get the bike on the bike ramp (as I know with it just running on 3 cylinders it could be a pain and I don't want to drop the bike by getting it unbalanced. So she came out I started the bike up and what you know, running on all 4 lol.

    So I think I'm going to give Dyna a call tomorrow and see about sending it to them to be tested.

    Ever way (and as I've wanted to tidy up the wiring for years, and as I've got a very good gsx600f harness, gsx750f CDI and b6 pickups. I'm going to remove the old harness and replace it.

    Then see how we go.

    Sorry, bit of a long one that lol

    • Like 1
  2. Ok, still thinking it must be carbs ISH lol 

    So, as I've got two sets of K&N dual pods filters, I'm going to give one set another good clean but not re-oil them.

    The carb settings I've been running for the last well years are (gsxr750 38mm carbs)

    Needle in the middle groove.

    Standard gsxr750 pilot jets 

    Pilot screws set at 3.5 turns out 

    Main jet 150 

    All Dyna jet kit and put new Dyna needles and emulsion tubes in last winter.

    So now I've swapped the plugs it's running on all 4 cylinders, so with the standard coils fitted and with unoiled filters I'm going to see how it runs and see if it drops a cylinder at some point.

    Yes I know that's two things done at the same time lol





    • Like 2
  3. 12 hours ago, rodneya said:

    What plugs are you using?

    There have been a lot of fakes around lately, some even from reputable suppliers.

    Very frustrating, I feel your pain.


    I've got 4 different sets of NGK JR9B and one set of Denso x27etr 

    As you say lots of fake NGK around and when you look at the 4 sets I've got they are all slightly different within the lettering on the plugs, that's why I tried the Denso plugs but still the same problem lol.


  4. 17 hours ago, TonyGee said:

    is it worth doing a compression test wraith ?  just to rule out the engine :tu 

    My bad, I was thinking of another engine lol.

    The compression is 

    Cylinder 1 = 180

    Cylinder 2= 175

    Cylinder 3= 180

    Cylinder 4= 180

    So all good :D


    • Like 3
  5. 16 minutes ago, Fazz711 said:

    Did it start after you put the some new plugs in? 

    If you need any proper harness tape give me a pm and I will pop some in the post. 

    I have lots at the moment. 


    Yes, if I change the plug on the cylinder that's not running, it fires up first press of the start button. 

    Thanks got some (y)

    I was thinking at the start it was carbs, as the plugs are on the black sutty colour with a tan center

  6. @Gixer1460 I quit agree with you but I've had the same carbs and carb settings on this bike since I first built it and it's ran fine for the last 15 ISH years and it's only been doing this for the last year.

    I've cleaned the carbs, gave them a good going in the bath and put a new carb kit in them, still did it, I've changed the carbs and carb inlet rubbers to a set of b12 Dyno tuned carbs on, still did it.

    The bike can run fine for days/weeks then one cylinder will go down but at the same time I can start it up in the garage (to make sure it's running before I go out) take it out front put my jacket etc on restart it and it could just run on 3.

    The carbs where my first thought as well.

    I've even change the carb settings to make them run a bit leaner and apart from it not running quiet as well with pickup etc, it still did the same thing.

    There's no harm in changing the pickups and CDI. If that doesn't work, well back to square one xD

    At lest the bike looks good :D

  7. Well, not the coils :(

    Good spark on all 4 cylinders but number 4 won't run, change the plug, first push on the start button and all 4 cylinders run sweet O.o but I know (think, if it does the same as it has been) it will drop a cylinder and not always the same one.

    So the next step, is to remove the dyna2000. Only problem, I can only find one of the CDI plugs on the harness and it's been that long since I first built it I can't remember what I did xD so I'm going to have to start cutting the tape off the harness to find the wires :| hayho.

    If only it was always the same cylinder xD

  8. Just standard plugs.

    Bandit coils/leads/caps have arrived today, so just having a coffee, then into the garage to swap them over.

    I've found two CDI from the gsxr1052 with pickups, also found harness from a gsx600f, CDI from a gsx750f and b6 pickups, harness from a b6 MK2, that's without using bits off any of the project bikes, so should be able to sort the wiring if needed but one thing at a time lol

    • Like 1
  9. Ok, had a look at the Kat today, this time not running on number 4 cylinder. Fuel at carbs but Number 4 down pipes cold.

    when I lifted the plug cap just off the plug,(not all the way off, just off the top of plug. Green dyna coils with new dyna ht leads ) it started to run on that cylinder and now on all 4 cylinders O.o

    So, before now I've bathed the carbs, then change the carbs, start of this month replaced the ht leads.

    It's had this problem for about 1 year, sometimes can go to the bike start it up and it runs sweet, then I can start it 20 mind later and it will not be running on one of the cylinders without even riding it O.o

    Any ideas why it is doing this???

    I've got a set of standard coils,leads and caps coming, so I will swap them and see if it does anything.



  10. 3 hours ago, clivegto said:

    Try a cdi of one of the others. 

    I was thinking that, going to take the dyna2000 off and put a standard cdi and ATU on.

    Think I've got a b12 one kicking about if not I know I've got a b6 one, just to see.


    • Like 2
  11. Ok been having this problem for some time and it's getting to the point, that if I can't fix it the bike will be broke up and sold.

    So, the problem.

    gsx1100f engine in katana with gsxr38mm carbs. 

    it runs grate but on a random basics it will stop running on one cylinder, after you turn the engine off. Can be any cylinder 1,2,3,4 take the plug out and it's wet, put another plug in runs on all 4 cylinders and will stay running with no problems for the next hours, day, weeks etc once it's running on all 4 it will stay running on all 4.

    only seen to drop a cylinder once the ignition has been turned off but not every time and not always the same cylinder.

    I've replaced the HT leads (dyna coils and leads) swapped the carbs, tried different plugs and different make of plugs (Not got about 6 new sets that I've tried lol)

    So Any ideas?

    Like I say if not I'm going to break the bike, as I won't sell a bike with a problem.

  12. 9 hours ago, inmate said:

    Thanks for the reply Wraith. I may get second-hand GS750 pistons new rings and re-bore the 650 barrels to suit if the little ends are the same size.

    Don't know about little ends.

    I know the 750 and 850 have the same size, as it was a common thing to put the 850 top end onto the 750 bottom end.

    Be worth putting up a question on its own.

  13. 5 hours ago, inmate said:

    Having looked into these kits that R1Guy showed us, the GS 650 big bore kit (haha) looks like standard GS 750 pistons, 65.00 mm. So could I use OE GS 750 barrels and pistons, to big bore, lol, my GS 650 to make a whopping 740 cc. In other words have any of you guys experience of fitting 750 block to 650 crank cases? Or should I just bore the 650 block?

    With 65,000 + miles on my 650 it is getting a little tired and not always keen on starting.

    I think, the barrels/block off the gs750 won't fit onto the gs650 bottom end/crank case.

    • Like 1
  14. Are you using the standard gsxr1052 carb inlet rubbers?

    If so they will be to small and they may not be giving a good seal, and you could be getting air leaks.

    You say you're using Ramair filters, what exhaust are you using?

    Just for info 

    Gsxr1100 (1127cc) 36mm carbs run 40 pilot jets 2 turns out.



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