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krazy kat

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    cedar key fla

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  1. stock conversion 6mm spacer goes in the front of sprocket to take up space of rubber dampening stuff
  2. Can not answer that, EF cams do not have a tach drive all yours do.
  3. Nice to hear all going well, keep riding. Tinkering seems the norm with these old machines. You will be puttin up for winter in no time.
  4. Does any know the EFE cams measurements in inches @.050 U.S. specs, thanks
  5. easternbeaver.com, maybe
  6. Excellent lovin the start of this
  7. left side spacer,same as year of swingarm right side is year of wheel using brake and hanger from said wheel,old memory best double check
  8. keep that little sister close, good to hear she is doing well, should be good riding in Connecticut for over a month now, be well
  9. EF good choice welcome, think you are in the right place with those goals
  10. Hello, twisted spoke wheels of the same size of that era tend to share same parts. Pictures are good.
  11. part with same part numbers can vary quite a bit. Not mil spec. never measured two that were the same even on same models.
  12. pictures on phone are so clear I put them here they look like crap
  13. first three carriers circa 2000 AD b6,suzuki vz800,gs500 The vz is the same as 88 gsxr 1100 j all 5 bolt , Like your rear wheel. 51.98mm b6 sprocket landing. 47.66 mm vz landing, 32.73mm gs500 So your choice. gs500 gets great clearance but i question people that say 160 section tire will fit with it. vz with .250" removed has worked in past . b6 may work as well think more needs removing from sprocket face. inner spacer. short one was made to fit gs500 for 20mm axle. If your 750 has 17mm axle then use stock spacer. b6 spacer has 20mm axle gsx750f has 17mm axle the vz i used with b6 spacer to work on a bike. Confused yet go to parts fiche compare and you will get it. Hope to save you some time just think about it. Shitty harbor freight caliper so get good measurements
  14. give me a minute or three stuff isn't loading
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