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Posts posted by TonyGee

  1. 51 minutes ago, Dezza said:

    OK, that makes sense. What part of the B12 carbs foul the tank? I ask as the BST 36s from a 750 Teapot have lower tops than those for the B12 (pics on this thread):). GSXR BST 36s also vary much in 'bits that stick out and may cause clearance problems, e.g. throttle cable brackets'. Finally, BST 34s from the 1100 slabby/powerscreen are really compact compared with other BSTs, e.g. low tops, don't have bits sticking out. These fit B12 rubbers and only have an opener cable.

    it was the black top on the 1200 bandit carbs, they as you know are a bit taller than the 600's.  the thing is i was trying to put together a collection of parts i had lying around and build something to mess about on ( ive been on long term sick )  so cash is tight.  but that bike has been put to one side as i'm on with the 750ET ;)   

  2. 23 minutes ago, wraith said:

    You need the oil pump gears as well ;)

    I'm lucky, I have the Kat with a 1127 in it, the ET with a b12 in it and the gs1000 board to 1100cc, not as fast as the Kat or ET but grate fun to ride. Got to agree with @Dezza  the air cooled motors just put the power down in so much of a different way and until you have riden both big bikes you just won't understand :D

    oh i understand wraith, ive ridden a few gsx1100's and owned a bike with a 1260 big bore in it,  ive also ridden countless 1200 bandits and gsxr1100's  (owned both)  i love the oil cooled engine as its one of the best engines suzuki ever built but i think a gsx looks really cool with the air cooled engine in it. 

    this was my mad gsxr1100 i built, tried to kill me many times :|  



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  3. 9 minutes ago, Dezza said:

    I still do not understand why you want to fit 32mm carbs. B12 mk1 carbs and rubbers aren't that difficult to source.

    explained in other thread

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  4. 1 minute ago, Dezza said:

    If you are going to use the Blandit 1200 engine with Blandit 1200 BST36s and rubbers, why go to all the trouble fitting the bonsai 32mm micro-mini, "make my engine asthmatic" Iwajima carbs along with their rubbers? The B12 MK1 carbs and rubbers are probably the easiest OSS carbs and rubbers to source, although you'll probably have to do some work to bring a secondhand set up to scratch :).

    bit of a long story Dezza,  but basically i have a 750 zuma frame and did have a 1200 motor (went in another bike)  i have a good set of 600 carbs/rubbers and zuma airbox that i was gona use. the problem was the tank i modified to fit the frame would of fowled on the top of a set of 1200 carbs. if i raised the tank it looked shit and didn't sit right with the seat unit.   

    ive never ridden a gsx1200 or the GS1200 ss  but what ive read is they are still very grunty low down and in the mid range but lack top end. im not bothered about doing a 140 mph ;)   

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  5. 6 minutes ago, bluedog59 said:

    Two points.

    Are we talking 33mm CV carbs or  33mm slide carbs ( possibly VM29ss bored to 33mm) ?

    Would it be possible you could make some aluminium spacer plates to go between the head and rubbers to move the carbs back ?

    i was talking 32mm bandit CV carbs,  yeah that was another thought about 5mm spacers between the head and rubbers. their are some bikes that have them.  

  6. 6 minutes ago, Duckndive said:

    interesting as when i sold my 750 Zuma carbs the guy was desperate to have the manifolds as well as he could not get any ...o.O

    But as they say every days a skool day :) 

    after all this time ive just had it confirmed (on another thread) that 1200 zuma rubbers are longer than 600 bandit and gsx 750 zuma  rubbers to fit 32mm carbs.  :tu  mystery solved. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Losiu said:
    I know. 
    I bought the only used ones available in my country: P

    you've just cleared up something that has been bugging me for a while,  i had an idea that the 1200 zuma rubbers where longer but couldn't find anybody who had some to measure. now i know, cheers for that Losiu :tu

  8. 38 minutes ago, no class said:

    ..... great engine !   aside from the poor oil pressure , stator output , poor clutch basket , starter clutch issues ......and a few other issues but who’s counting

    ha ha, that good eh.  you could use the 750 oil pump :tu

  9. 1 minute ago, Dezza said:

    Suzuki quote the power output of a stock 1100 EFE engine as higher than that of an 1100 slabside or 1200 Blandit so it's not always about max hp numbers. The power delivery of the aircooled lump is 'intoxicating' , especially the mid-range. Try finding a good one though or even a knackered one now without having to buy a whole bike.

    yeah thats what im after,  not arsed about doing 150 plus mph i just like shit loads of torque ;)  but as you say getting a good gsx1100 engine is gona be hard.     

  10. yeah they will fit with the right rubbers, you will be down on power though compared to using say 36mm or 38mm carbs. the 1200 inazuma and 1200 ss use 32mm carbs and they claim around 100 bhp !!!!  but lack top end. but be aware i tried a set of 32mm bandit carbs on a 1200 and they fit no problem but the middle balance adjuster fowls on the outside of the cam chain tunnel and the throttle wont open fully.  

  11. 33 minutes ago, Joseph said:

    I agree that it's only for the OE output of the oil cooled that you would use them (and the pub talk topic of saying you have a drag engine in your grandmas bike). Its a hassle to do, a lot of things need addressing.


    yeah theirs a bit of work transplanting an engine from one bike to another,  i put a bandit engine in an old Z1000 frame. (y) 

  12. yeah i hear what you say wraith its all about the cost,  i keep looking for an 1100 motor but they just don't come up !!   back in the mid 80's i built a hardtail chop and put in a big bore 1100 (1260) motor.  as you can imagine it was a lot of engine for a chop O.o but a guy i know who drag raced heard about my bike and he come round and offered me £800 for the engine !!!! a lot of dosh back then.  yeah i did sell him it and i bought a really clean Z1000 engine for £400 :tu  

  13. you might be able to clear up a mystery for me here ? i was messing about with an inazuma frame/project, i was gona use a b12 engine but i only had a set of b600 carbs i was gona use till i got a set of b12 carbs.  the 32mm b6 carbs and rubbers went on no problem ( i know the 1200 zuma uses 32mm carbs as does the 1200ss )  but when i opened the throttle it moved just a few mm ? the middle balance adjuster touches the cam chain tunnel on the head.  when i looked up zuma carbs they where the same !!   i checked the zuma rubbers part number and they where just for that model,  so my guess is are the rubbers longer than the 600 so the adjuster will clear ? i couldn't get hold of a set to measure to confirm  !!!!  

  14. looking through some of the posts and projects i see some who change the gsx1100 motors for the oil boilers,  i can understand with a 750 but the 11's are quit tuneable. i know the gsx is a very heavy engine but what other reasons do they get changed ?    

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