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Posts posted by TonyGee

  1. 1 hour ago, imago said:

    I think the time has passed for cheap bits being available for/from '70s and '80s bikes, particularly stuff like ETs which had a short production run. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing depends on if you have stuff or want stuff I suppose.

    I have some bits squirrelled away to use on the ET rebuilds, but even the spares won't be sold purely because if I needed them down the line I either wouldn't be able to get them or they'd cost a fortune.

    The scarcity of the bikes also make pattern parts unlikely as there just isn't enough bikes around to create the demand necessary to make doing it worthwhile.

    yeah i here what you are saying,  the bike im building isn't an ET but im using ET tank/tail and side panels, just thought it would look right with the proper headlight and clocks.  but as you say its not gona be cheap to get the bits i want.  maybe down the line somat might turn up cheap :S    

  2. 6 minutes ago, Jaydee said:

    @fiberman might be able to knock out a few of them in fiberglass. Look simple enough to produce. I'd imagine that these would sell like hotcakes.


    9 minutes ago, Jaydee said:

    It's to do with what address you have set as your primary address.

    You probably need an E.U. proxy address as it won't show if the seller set the listing as E.U. only. I have half a dozen proxy addresses and you'd be amazed what comes up and doesn't come up depending on what address is set as primary.;)


    that'll probably explain my problem, cheers J.D.   yeah i was gona suggest that about someone making them, could make a few quid :tu 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Joseph said:

    Seriously @TonyGeei went and searched to find what i had seen, and put a screenshot of one in A1 condition on eGay in germany ? I wonder why i bother helping out

    thats what i just fecking said :S i tried upteen times to find the one you posted in every way i could possibly think off and it just wouldn't come up ?????????????  how did you do it ? what am i missing ? am i a total dick ? have i lost the plot ? 

  4. i might have to shelve this idea for now,  its for the zuma project but i do have bandit clocks and headlight that i'll use till i get hold of some.  i need et clocks as well so its not gona be a cheap job O.o

  5. 15 minutes ago, Blubber said:

    Try and broaden your seach, seach different countries , even search in different language. ( use google translate for that ) 

    I have recently seen complete units (cowl, headlight and chrome trim) sell for no more than €70 an Eblag Italy.

    yeah ive done that blubber, the only ones i could find where in the US for silly money !!!!  

  6. 35 minutes ago, Shakey225 said:

    Is there also a clutch safety switch? I don't remember one (but it is 30 years since I last owned one of these :) ) and the wiring diagram in the online manual I found (via a thread on here) doesn't show one...

    if theirs a switch and wires going to the clutch lever then it has a switch and needs bypassing. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Shakey225 said:

    Thanks TonyGee. I tried that this morning and all went well with the bike up on the centre stand. However when I take it off the main stand and it's on its wheels, the bike cuts out when I put it in gear and the s/stand light comes on ?!? 

    Any thoughts anyone?

    probably not related but worth a check,  i had the same problem with my B12 cutting out when i put it in gear, i traced the problem to a bad earth. the bandit has a small earth wire that branches off from the main battery earth, it has a spade connector that was corroded once cleaned up all was well in the world. worth checking all your earths anyway just for piece of mind. :tu 

  8. 21 minutes ago, wraith said:

    Took some thinking on this one as it was about 8 years ago but I was running 15 front 48 rear with cbr1000 (17") rear wheel 530 chain

    i bet it wheelied good O.o

  9. 12 minutes ago, Shakey225 said:

    Am I right in thinking the two joined wires would then need to be grounded? (I'm doing this on a recently acquires 750ES, haven't had a chance to say hello yet but will do so on a new thread ;) )


    no just connect them together on the harness. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Carlitox33 said:

    I know this is an old thread... but comes in really handy. 

    Got my ´89 1100 almost perfectly sync´d, but then cylinder #1 got no fuel, and was not working, so decided to do it again, and took the "total uscrew" path. I tried to sync carbs again, but there is no way in which I can get a smooth idle now.

    Is there a way to get a starting point for sync´ing while carbs are on the bike? 

    Question #2: There is one carb seeping fuel from the drain plug. How can I regulate the float height with the carbs on the bike? Is there any reference I can use..

    Yes... you know by now... I completely dislike getting the carbs out!ç



    i think a carb strip is in order, if you are not getting fuel to one carb you will never get them balanced 

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