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Everything posted by Havoc

  1. No, but enough that the event WILL go ahead, I repeat, WILL go ahead, and hope for a few more turning up on the day
  2. If I've got any transport other than the Ditch Pump I'll be there, 200 miles on that bastard would do me in..
  3. Come on folks, a few more and we can do this..
  4. Bump. If we're going to be able to cover costs on this folks we're going to need to see the colour of your REFUNDABLE money. I thank you
  5. Clive. I'd appreciate it if you went through the paypal thing. If it doesn't happen through lack of numbers, monies will be returned in full. We're a little short of the minimum at the moment.. Ta I also don't see that at source, apologies if you did that already...
  6. Saw that Scott, I should have been doing that from the off..
  7. The paying up front thing was just so we can judge if the event goes ahead or not. We need a minimum of 12 to not run at a loss, which would have to come out of my pocket. I'm sure people are aware of the usual ratio of 'Great, I'll be there' : 'people who actually turn up' . How many we got so far Minxy?
  8. We'll have no non Suzuki engined Suzukis here move along...............(I tried )
  9. Evening gentle folk. What are the largest pistons one can install in a standard 1100EZ block? Buying some low comp turbo pistons and wandering how bog I can go. [/IMG]
  10. 200,000,000 years old most of it, but the good bits might have fallen out by now
  11. Mmmmm, Avgas, although still got 4 US gallons of C16 in the garage. What's best??
  12. Yeah right.......EZ will be on Although I do have several months Nah, no chance....
  13. Please accept my profound and most humble apologies. I'd like to see JB's Z on the dyno
  14. At this stage a Suzuki is a Suzuki although I shall be guided by the Admins. From my point of view the event happening is the primary objective with as many OSS bikes as possible, but OSS people with other Oldskool type bikes to make up numbers is a possibility? I personally wouldn't be interested in seeing any stock modern stuff, Kev has set the bench mark on this dyno @ 328bhp on his Slingy. There has been interest from the Turbo mob although most of those guys are on here as well.
  15. The one on my EZ is identical to the one on my Katana.
  16. I can see why the riding position was uncomfortable. Might have worked better with clip-ons? I like it though...
  17. Enjoyed that Kev 328bhp running rich is very, VERY impressive. You've done a sterling job, Dave's da man for sure... You've a baseline to work with now. Nearly there Brother
  18. OK. These are quite adjustable though, I change them when we go 2 up and it is noticeable. I accept that Ohlins are better quality, but not x8 better. The Nitros do feel x3 better, but I've not ridden on them yet
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