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Everything posted by vizman

  1. 4.5 if musical taste is taken into consideration
  2. i run ape filters on our 36's (1216oilboiler+1135efe).....but i have a set of bellmouths that at a later date i might mix with foam filters and see if i can notice any change.
  3. what a pile of dogshit, never say never but i'll never have another rf900.....
  4. nice, new paint makes a whole load of difference
  5. i have doodle time booked in on my holi-bogs
  6. i only give it a wiggle......i even put the housing on for extra rigidity.....guess it must have had a crack in it as it was weeping. grumpy chris has one for me. so far air filter plugs fork seals water pump exhaust clutch push rod seal brake master cylinder clutch slave cylinder i still like it, guess it don't like being stored
  7. …..and with a gentle wiggle with my lady fingers..... …….the mutha humpa has sheared off...…...FECK!
  8. she's spat her dummy out again..... ….clutch push rod seal is leaking, easy fix if i could get the water pump off. once ive took the outer cover off to expose the impellor and taken off the centre bolt do i just pull it out? it doesn't want to budge.....i don't want to break anything
  9. i've fitted gsxr k1 titanium headers to my rf900
  10. vizman


    awesome purchase dupersunc
  11. we've talked about this Kutungamungler…… ……..you're either a racer.... …...or a spanner monkey. but you can't be both! (to be read in the same accent as the Mabie dick)
  12. in California it' be fine....or a fine.
  13. aye, but version 2B or not 2B that is the question.
  14. elongated the bottom rad mount and almost everything fits back as it should.... …...the only thing i'll have to trim is the lower V section infill, and that just involves trimming the 'ears' either side. and on the mid sections i'd have to trim the two slim rad cowl infills at the bottom, but i just won't bother fitting them. link pipe and silencer next....
  15. maryzero-1 running a 6-hunner' cdi/ecu too
  16. anywhoo.... with a slight adjustment on the lower rad mount and a couple of lower fairing mount spacers, the k1 ti-titty-tay-ne-um headers are go for launch..... …..obviously i'll have to 'tweek' the link pipe/end can. front brakes need a looking at, they need a couple of squeezes before they bite....so i'll change the fluid and bleed them up.....and i'll probably do the fork seals too, since i already purchased a set.....but otherwise ratfink9000 needs to prove itself later this month before i commit to doing anything else to it....apart from essentials
  17. there's only one pink bike i ever wanted
  18. yeah man, visually they don't flow, but i'm sure they'll do a better job than the originals
  19. the dudette borrowed ratfink9000 'tother day for a blat and i noticed it was louder than usual.....sure enough the original zorst has corroded away and is blowing. whilst pondering options on how not to spend money to fix it i came up with two.... numero uno i take it off....clean it and hope there's enough good stuff left to weld it up. numero duo i take it off....see if i can make one set of the ti-titty-tainy-um k1 headers i've got fit. either way the problem has to be fixed by taking the original one off, so i did, and i test fitted (with a bit of bullworker style) the ti headers. they don't flow as nice as the original system, but they're a fook load lighter and only have holes at the ends.....with a little bit more 'jiggery-pokery' i recon i'll even get the fairing back on.....tbc
  20. awaiting parts for valentino, so i took the opportunity and headed out to see the ol'rockers Chris n' Gary for a general chin-wag and swop some parts....
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