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  1. that was just a little (700 mile) round trip jaunt i did elgin to nottingham and stopped in yorkshire on route picked up a tl in bradistan and the minter, in nottingham. made it down and back as far as perth before i had to give in or crash/fall asleep at the wheel hahahaha 3 hrs kip in back of the van then another 2&1/2 hours home
  2. big ends are a common point of failure on these usually spun bearings. im on the third tl, i love em. i just sold an absolute stunner. it took me years to find an original like this, it was absolutely like new, and i had to travel to Nottingham for it, (from the NE of Scotland)...hows that for devotion. ,mon the Tls, but as you probably know the S is better than the R
  3. ive ridden both, the tl engine is miles better. the sv feels like a sanitised restricted version of the tl .
  4. they look a bit like early harris ones
  5. any progress with this @clivegto?
  6. ive got a 1340 big block gsxr, and it isnt really a problem om the street as long as you keep away from drag cams and ridiculously high comptression etc. it wont go through rings, unless the bore clearance is miles out it will overheat and id definiitely fit an extra head cooller if you put it in a streeet bike, and avoid citys , as it will overheat, especially without additional cooling. citys are boring tho
  7. best tip is to remove the sump and get some 2mm plates under it, on top of the lower frame tubes. this will level the engine and from here you can pack it upwards till the gearbox sprocket is in the right place, in relation to the swingarm pivot and rear wheel spindle, which is probably the most important part of the entire swap. see tony foales book for guidance
  8. i had to trim my side panel, as i had to move the engine over for chain clearance. also fit the exhaust to make sure it clears frame downtubes
  9. lower rear engine mount is smaller on the 750, but a drill will sort that, and carb intakes are different from various gsxr 1100/1200 blandit engines, so try the engine first, with carbs and filters to make sure they clear tjhe petrol tap and the side panel
  10. bandit ones will also fit
  11. it looks like your yokes have barely any offset, think thats why tjhey look so steep
  12. theres only really 2 possible scenarios here, considering the bolt is the right diamater. its either the bearing is worn out , (unlikely as you have fitted new ones), or the hole has ovalised through wear. best bet is to get the verniers out and measure the hole in a few places.
  13. just thought that seeing as the lad was asking about dot heads...
  14. im presuming thats a dot head then aye?
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