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Everything posted by CockneyRick

  1. So std carbs are 36's? What kit did you put in em, for the 750 or the 1100M?
  2. What engine are they fitted to @Blue?
  3. Only judging the ones i have got. They may have stretched or knackered. I didn't buy em
  4. Stripping the carbs i have apart, one has a DJ kit in & the springs are harder & fractionally longer by looking at em
  5. Another issue is i want to get a rebuild kit for em. They came of a 750 but are going on my 1100, so i would assume i'd be better off getting the 1100 kit as it will have bigger jets etc?
  6. No need, i sussed & you were right, No3 float was missing one, so i pressed it back into place
  7. I can't see any obvious parts pressed into them? Got a pic where they should be?
  8. Cheers for that, interesting read! So my drag build thread about breather pipes to stop wind deflection was right And i also run blanked (#0) jets for this circuit, which is best for non airbox running Not answered the above Q's yet though?
  9. Correct on the powerjet But the cold start thing? I'd assume it would have 4 off?
  10. and another conundrum. The springs with the plastic insert suggests Dynojet, & 102 jets are pretty small too? But the needles are looking standard ish, & also severely worn just below the plastic spacer!
  11. Well at the bottom of the bowls there's a tiny jet that screws in & passes to the pipe that runs up side of carbs x4. These are all still there so not that. Have looked all over the bowls & bodies, & there just doesn't appear to be anything missing. All 4 stripped & all parts matching & accounted for.
  12. Whatever it is, there's only 1 of em (floating about at least) I'll have a thorough look at all of the inners on the bodies now i've taken all the removable parts off. Also it has 102 Mains in, they sound like Dynojet numbers? The needle jet is very chunky & stumpy end, not pointy like i expected. And the slide has 3 holes, middle for the needle & a hole either side!
  13. Started stripdown & all as expected on carbs 1&2. Then open float bowl on 3 & found this rattling round. Not a clue what it is? M6 nut for scale, no markings on it & everything else there as expected?
  14. So you can see that the throttle lever from Carb 3>2 has been cut & welded longer (Red) Mounting bar cut & extended (yellow) And fuel pipe T piece altered (green) looks like plenty of spares will be needed to get these back to working operation
  15. £90! Guy said he'd had em for 5 years & never used em. Bought for a Pinto project? Here's the other side
  16. Sussed it, i thought the rod was broke (red), but it's the flat bar that's missing 1/2 of it (yellow oblong)!
  17. Only just bought them, so gonna have em stripped & cleaned first
  18. They're not seized, & it actually looks like it was made like that. Reason i queried it!
  19. What's this choke bit all about? Only 1 & 2 are on the rod?
  20. Advance the timing a little to try to cut the kickback happening There's a file somewhere giving details to sort it on GS/GSX's
  21. Been her myself, the part is hard to find & expensive. Best off sourcing another Alt & swapping the whole lot out. IIRC all the Alts are the same but the gear has different teeth counts, so get one & if necessary swap the gear
  22. Not at all, i acquired the engine whole, & as i thought unmolested
  23. I'm with your original thought, the outers have gotta get more cooling i'd have guessed? Plus the K/L/M/N didn't have differing sizes IIRC?
  24. Oddly Fowlers list 110 mains for ML & MR then 112.5 for the LH & RH on the GSX1100F And 127.5 to 130 on the GHJ same as above, larger on the outside?
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