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Posts posted by GeorgeEI7KO

  1. On 2/12/2024 at 7:04 PM, Captain Chaos said:

    that's not a 1989 frame but a 1990 (L) or 1991 (M). The 1989 750 does not have the adjustable swingarm spindle thingy.

    L has glued on tank rubbers, M has them screwed on. The M rear section is also wider and has an extra pipe near the battery.


    Feckin' rivet counter.....:ph34r:

    • Like 3
  2. 10 hours ago, imago said:

    It's just sitting on the rails as it is. The final/correct position will see the very front of the seat/tail come down, the back up a touch and the back of the tank down about 5mm. Basically the top of the tank and the top of the tail unit will be a straight line.

    I need to get the wheel and arm under it before I go too far down the lining things up road though as it might not work so well then so I don't want to waste time and effort only to in it later. Once that's done and I've decided between a combined electrical tray and mounting or two separate parts I can make it/them.

    Sounds like a plan Lar. 

  3. What's the craic? An Irish colloquialism that translates to 'How's it going/what's the story' 

    Savage means it's good

    A pure whore = difficult to achieve 

    Fucked = broken

    Proper fucked = very broken

    Jaysus usually in a surprised tone

    Like shite off a shovel = very fast 

    I will in me bollix = no I wont

    I will in me hole = absolutely not 

    Look up in me hole = fuck off



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  4. 6 hours ago, imago said:

    During a chat with @davecaraand @PaulmI mentioned that it was a shame that bike of the month had fallen into disuse and it'd be nice to have some sort of trophy for those who attend shows. Not necessarily for the "best bike" as this is OSS after all, however who gets it and for what isn't up to me, I just got to make one as I'd suggested it.

    Anyway, it will be awarded to the first recipient for something at Newark and this is it. I'll give it a clean up and affix a disc for the sticker before then.


    That's class Larry. Great idea

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