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Everything posted by wsn03

  1. That's great Crass thank you. I'm going to that mod next...my speedo has movement, wondered why.
  2. Done mate, I've just sent you £20. I presume that covers UK p&p, if not we need to let people know asap.
  3. Sending to you is simpler!!! Ive sent you a pm.
  4. excellent . Do you want me to go ahead collecting name and addresses?
  5. @jonny1bumpwe have 80 odd washers on the poll now. I'm sure it would be safe to suggest to your guy a batch of 100 would probably end up being a safe bet. Can you talk to him please? What I might do is ask people to message me with name, address etc and I'll put it on a form. If your mate could post as well that would be massively helpful. Can you please advise?
  6. 16 sets (64 washers) so far according to the poll
  7. Thats great. I've edited my earlier post to that price
  8. Please post your username if you vote Thanks
  9. This poll is set up to see how many washers people would order if we can get them made for the CV carb mod Cost £20 per set of 4 Please post your username if you vote
  10. Im trying but cant do it from my phone. I'll add one from lap top shortly
  11. That would be really helpful if jonnybumps mate cant help. I guess see what Jonnybump comes back with?
  12. @Captain Chaosi hate to ask twice for a sticky but...this is such a valuable mod could it be stickied?
  13. Yes big thanks. This is such a no brainer. I bet a batch of 100 would go. @jonny1bumpyes please if you could that would be extremely helpful. Thank you
  14. I strongly advise a filter...plus use fuel marine preservative in petrol over winter
  15. Anyone know the names of the relevant mods?
  16. Brilliant, i can follow this (im electrically useless). Should be stickied, only found out about it by accident
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