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Rene EFE

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Posts posted by Rene EFE

  1. 29 minutes ago, Bowler said:

    but never new there was a P overthere.

    There never was, we used to be in P14 all the way at the top. Tbf, the place itself was better, but this years event was a shambles. 

    For me personally, the only saving grace was having had a good time on track, nothing blew up and I didn't crash. I'll probably pass on next year; it's getting more and more expensive and we're treated as though we should thank them for letting us out on track (instead of them thanking us for forking over 500€/pp and putting up a good show) 

    The 2 times 2h endurance was laughable at best, and don't get me started on the Lifestylevillage/Sultans of Speed/having to pay for a paradelap/etc

  2. 33 minutes ago, SiBag said:

    Filth utter filt. :x

    Amazing to see a frame in the actual fabrication process. 

    You should see the inside of the friggin' engine...

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