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Everything posted by carlinmidarlin

  1. Here’s my fuel tap, so do I run 2 hoses from the tap to the 1 hose from the flatslides plus I don’t have a vacuum spout on inlet rubber 4 ?? cheers
  2. Did you just use it as it was or blank anything or mods
  3. Hi, is the std gsxr slingshot fuel tap good enough to use with 36mm RS flatslides cheers
  4. Is this event still going ahead, if so we’re can you get tickets from cheers
  5. I think with the WR arm you need the calliper hanger and other bits to make good, I’ve got the brace and my mates a wiz alloy welding
  6. That’s the look I want, I’ve got the brace but was looking to see pics of it fitted, my minds made up now, going for it cheers
  7. Why did you only use part of the brace mate
  8. Evening all has anyone any info on welding a gen 1 R1 swingarm brace to a slingshot swingarm, I’ve tried the search and the web, but not much out there cheers
  9. I was thinking of doing my 750 J arm that way, have you got more pics please
  10. Is that a R1 brace welded to a std swingarm
  11. Ok thanx I’ll look in to this
  12. Hi all, I’m looking for a hi flow fuel tap for my slingshot, I don’t really want a pingal tap, what other bikes have the 44mm spaced hi flow Tap cheers
  13. Heres my rear light sika flexed in and I had to grind away this little bit to get the bulb holder in as the holes for the seat unit are out we’re the battery is
  14. This is mine in a fibre man seat unit, the light is sika flexed is so it come out with the seat unit as 1
  15. Pastyman you have a PM mate
  16. Sorry I should have said before, the engine has dot head cams and the head has been modded for the 11 carb rubbers before I bought it plus I got the 750 motor and carbs aswell
  17. Hi all , I’ve got a 12 bandit motor in my 750 slingshot and a set of 750 j carbs and a set of 11 m carbs, what’s the best to use for the road cheers Mick
  18. I used 2k paint on mine , the engine was fully de greased , 2k primer and then the top coat with good results
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