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About TrunKz

  • Birthday 09/15/1987

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  • Location
    Germany - Berlin EAST

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  1. TrunKz


    PM… good warehouse;)
  2. TrunKz


    I‘m looking for the D Cams… does anyone have any to give away?
  3. I have to apologize for the stupid question. I simply hadn't seen the mark in the area of the upper screw. the previous owner had taped the cover with black sealant. thread can be deleted.
  4. That’s clear. But is it necessary to use this timing plate
  5. the EF has no markings for F/T. how can i set the ignition?
  6. Hi, i want to adjust a Dyna S in the efe. It’s a little bit different to a GSX. the EFE works with the T Mark in the middle of the left connector when I use now the ATU from the GSX is the T mark nearly on the top, but not in a line with the white marked stripe on the old ignition plate. what is the correct way to adjust a Dyna S? 1: the stock atu with T mark to the middle of the left connector 2. change the ATU (no Position change 3. install the Dyna plate and adjust the connectors Is T the same like F ? I’m not sure that it works Thanks for help
  7. I use exacty these parts. i don’t want to fit the holder an the JMC. i need an good idea for a torque link near the axle maybe to fit it in the slotted area
  8. so is. I wonder what the guy built before. before that I had the torgue arm
  9. Tighten nut
  10. Enough to swing
  11. Ahhh I understand ! ok mhhh I would not like to attach or weld something to the jmc Maybe an option.. expensive option without anything. Only the hanger
  12. Puuh and how looks the other one ?
  13. I use these one
  14. So it is
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