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Everything posted by Duckndive

  1. Ok Curve ball why not use a gsx "aircooled" bottom end "as pressed crank is easier to reindex" and then fit the oil boiler head to it......as Oil Boiler head is easy "ish" to fit...................... can fit the block as well but that does make it harder to keep cool................... Simples ............
  2. Still crashing in the Van after nite on the beer............ dont supose you still have the instructons for trevs shifter do you ?
  3. I seam to recall Rupperton saying the later models "M onwards" had undercut box from factory and if you buy new OEM gear's they are undercut anyways
  4. TBH ian i suppose it is a bit .. but then its only temp for the Bulldog using existing items from another bike which it needs to go back onto....... THe Kwak not sell then ? and iis that one of Trevs shifters ... i,ve got one of his electric ones someware........but no instructions..
  5. Like Viz said but Dept on what you can do yourself.....1 - 2K Fruitloop does kits you can fit yourself or ride in ride out........... Dont know if hes done a water boiler but he do'es make good tea............
  6. Hot side A/R is 63...Its Stock Cossie fit.......Motor is 1216............ Just fitted Air Shifter for 1/4 mile excursions .......
  7. I,ve had a no off sets off MTC slugs over the years and even thou i ordered them with buttons they still had circlip grooves in them..........
  8. Well fitted the tank added some fuel and after a few turns of the starter it made some quite social noises ..................... May be a bit on the fat side fuel wise TBH but it realy needs a run up the road to blow it out ...but its not Moted at the mo so need to get that sorted 1st ...
  9. Dump Pipe and wastegate feed done spooze i,d best put the tank back on and stick some fuel in it tomorrow....
  10. Yes Ian cooler may well be an issue for road use
  11. Need to fab dump pipe this weekend and run it up 1st ..............
  12. Is a very good point.........
  13. Aircooled motor was 1188cc stock head and cams ..............T3 turbo HSR 42 Carb..................
  14. Good Man... Fruitloop had a simple set up on one off his Draw Thru ETs .....small tank with line to carb....tank was pressurised by regulated boost pressure.....
  15. TBH with a small Hit...as long as its going in the general direction of the flow it will be fine..... I would not give up on the water / alcohol thou...........its cheap and simple.............. When is the 1st fire up planned ? .
  16. Up-pipes all welded now and Drain fittings arrived from Torques so will bolt in later.....and sort out carb side...........
  17. Up-Pipe modded with new flange and bends.....wanted to keep wizzy bit as as high as possable to keep heat away from starter and gain as much room for drain ..
  18. New wizzer landed so ex up-pipe cut back and T3 in place...
  19. ​Street and the odd 1/4 mile excursion ................ Just waiting on an uprated T3 from univeral turbos thats being built to Fruitloops Spec...
  20. Just a grotty EFE with an Oil Boiler Lump .....and a turbo for extra umph ....
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