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Everything posted by Paulm

  1. 8am I beleive Jonny, i’ll message you my number
  2. Ok I have the tickets for entry, just waiting on confirmation of time we can get on site and i’ll let you all know.
  3. Good man Bow, we should be in double figures now with the bikes.
  4. You’re welcome Gregg,don’t forget to see about coming to Stafford.
  5. First of all thanks to everyone that turned up, was a good day out methinks,hope you all enjoyed yourself,nice to meet a few members I hadn't met before.Well done to @Wee Manfor the 700 mile round trip from Fife to dyno his bike. Russ the dyno shop owner was great,very enthusiastic and informative.From a personal point of view I was disappointed in my bikes output (163rwhp) my carbs need some work!!,but in saying that I had a great day and I hope you all did too? Russ said he would be happy to do another day for us so I'll organise another at some point.Ive put some of my pics on here,hopefully everyone else will too.
  6. Well,Dyno Day is here,see ya there.
  7. Yes it is, be good to catch up girl.
  8. Paulm

    2019 Shows

    As YJ says,point them out,we don’t do a lot of shows each year, we pick and choose them,usually reasonably large events,such as the upcoming show at Donington, there’s more to it than just turning up at any given show with your mates,if you see something you think we may be interested in flag them up and we will have a look,unless there is enough interest though it won’t happen. Also some of the shows are invitation only as well,you have to make an effort to come to them,one of our members is coming down from Scotland to the Dyno Day,that’s dedication to the cause
  9. Good man,i’ll See ya on Saturday anyway if you are at the unit?
  10. Good man, no need to pay until you arrive Simon,OSS members obviously get priority on the day,.
  11. Good man Gregg,that’s a fair old drive for you
  12. Come on Simon,you know you want to
  13. Okay,just spoke to Russ at TorqueTune,Dyno Day is definately a goer, timewise we are aiming for 9.30 to 4ish, £25 per run, maybe less if we get enough bikes,there should hopefully be a catering van on site but not all day, I’d like a list of definate attendees for the day please Also Practical Sportsbikes are hoprfully attending as well so maybe we will get into the mag as a small feature. Any questions ask away.
  14. Calipers on 1200 are just much better, same as used on GSXRs,RF etc, front end will go in with either a stem swap or a spacer at the bottom of the bandit stem, the bandit stem is too long as standard.Also the 1200 arm will go in easily with a couple of spacers on the pivot and either monoshock the GS frame or buy/make and weld shock mounts for it. Grumpy1260 sell weld on shock mounts,got some myself for my GS project.
  15. Better brakes on 1200, also 43mm forks against 41mm forks on the 600.
  16. Ok mate,thanks for letting me know.
  17. Paulm

    Gia 1216

    Headlight looks like a RedSix one to me
  18. Put a jubilee clip around it and go round it with a sharp knife.
  19. No worries mate,was nice to meet you and @dupersunc, a good time was had by all.
  20. Ok,so up to now we have, Paulm Rossco SamJaffa Dvecara Dezmeister Simbec Sibag Clivegto We also have Fatblokes Tpot,which I will bring with me,possibly Dezza for a day,Weeman hopefully if he can get the time off from work.
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