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Posts posted by Madb

  1. if its tatty then 1000 is too salty! you should be able to pick a ruff one up for around 500 mark , these models are starting to climb in price but they need to be in very good condition and low miles, weight will soon come off with all the over size bits like the rear frame that holds the number plate and indicators,etc, the four pot brakes are the better , pads are cheaper.  as for wheelies they do that as standard. that are lighter then blandits for a start but can knock off another 20 to 30 kg if yer that keen. check my build thread. their is a few tips . where abouts are you?

  2. HI Fish91,  Well, where to start, Not really any known faults other then badly maintain ,electrical connecters, worn bearings,etc. but the worst is the weight! as you're thinking fighter then you're on the way. wn,wp are the first models , but as you are looking at the 94/95 model which lost 8kg and gained the braced swinger and them blue forks amogst other bits .  but don't be fulled by some owners  trying to sell you, the sp version ! it won't be as they are only 6 imported and have the price tag to boot. Unless yer very lucky!

    Rear shock if orginal will be fubar, so a later one off a k series will work but not an srad, to long!  312mm is standard lengh try somewhere about 320 ish lengh  or Bmw s1000 shock have good reports,  forks off the newer k series are all great upgrades as are the front wheels as standard ones have their own gravity.

    brakes as standard are very good with after market pads, SBS come highly recomended, just rebuild and good to go but if ya need more stopping power hunt for a radial master with twin lines. 

    hopefully another wn/wp/wr/ws will be showing! best of luck. 

  3. this convertion ( RF900+750w head) seems a lot softer, more like a rugby player  than a sprinter if you see what i mean. but that Torque button  makes up for it! you could make it more zippy by fitting a six speed box but it involves some engineering, something i've been investing in. I'll post up shum time soon about it.

    mine came with a 750 timing wheel so previous owner maybe had same thoughts. it will be marked "17E" if it's 750.

  4. Thing is Jpich85, when one removes the air box especialy on cv carbs the reponse does tend to suffer , but as the guys have said check the above, as i am running the 750 ecu and timing wheel i am running with more advance so does tend to boogie . do you have the 750 ecu? if you do have and use it just don;t rev it anymore than 12000. i have'nt got near that ...yet. not rev it more than ten thou as yet ! hoping weather stays nice so i can go out tonight and boogie shum more! fuel figures seem very good at mo but its running high gearing. wot gearing you using at mo? mine is 15 front 42 rear. rear spocket with be 45 when it arrives. then ....... Super whooooosh will be happening!

  5. yes, could be the way to go. full restro. would be a great challenge.  you can buy paint kits that match your colours quite easily, and judging by your last paint job with cans you won't have any worries there! parts cleaner.. i use a large hard plastic type of tub big enough to fit a complete engine in. just so i have room for cleaning heads and the like parifin mix  with brake cleaner and a splash of petrol. works bloody well for degreasing. the petrol is added to cut the oiley coating the parifin and brake cleaner leaves. but you can pick up a new or second hand one cheap enough. oh and mine stand outside  with lid on. hate the smell of parifin!

  6. haha. yeah, head down is a great feeling eh. 

    NO, cant sell yer first project yet! sort it, have loads of fun on it, then  do it all again.  but seriouly it's going to be hard decisssion to make. tho i hope ya keep them both and just buy another one for a project.  if only it were that simple eh!.... I've got two morw projects sitting here waiting but still bought another! anon oss but it were cheap and i liked the colour.xD

  7. hi jpich85, rf900 running and going like err, very nice shall we say! still need to tweek the carbs as still runng touch lean but needles are on second slot from top so will raise them the weekend. overtakes are funny,  whooosh! springs to mind! suzy will get a stripped down over winter to tidy her up but just enjoying her while the weather is good. not done many miles as i would have liked this year so putting on as many as i can in the mean time!

    as for your new project, hmmmm, tis a hard decission. keep it standard or project? your bike so your choice, don't think anyone will complain either way.  tis all good .

    them oil bikes are getting rarer day by day. but will keep a watch out which ever way ya go. it's going to be nice going by your first bike.!

  8. Hi ya, Sorry for the delay in replying. Been very busy sorting and getting a field ready for a classic bike and car rally local to me. glad to say it went alot better than expected! YIPPEE!, Anyways, Old buckingham is a place in sorthern regions of sunny Norfolk, And the landlord of the drinking den (racer and biker and all round good guy started  abike night a few years ago and now has a bike meet every tuesday evening from 5pm(or 1700 hours for those who understand their is 24 hours in a day) sometimes wish their could be more but hey hoo. the turn out when i went was a massive! must have been over 300 bikes easily. loads of old suzukis but one did stand out and that were a gs1000ss . looking standard till ya started to notice the shiny bits. dont Quite know the "ss" bit but maybe the owners take on things? 

    Anyhow it is worth a ride out, everyone seems very friendly and keen to tell you about the bikes and the journey on how they changed their bike. weather dependent of coarse!

    burgers bar,sausages, curry and of coarse the bar it's self and a massive green to park yer pride and joy on with stand pucks given out for free. Oh and them roads!

    maybe see you there?

    @minx Most people haven't heard of east anglia, let alone places in norfolk But I'm pleased to say  I'm glad as the off the main roads they are quite quiet and mainly still in good nick for our bikes to ride apon, that includes suffolk too, to which i mainly ride. 

    @sheep Yes i do believe that is the same. defo worth the ride sheep. maybe see ya there one nite before the doom and gloom of winter as you know we always have 10 foot of snow every year!xD I know this because them four wheel things fall of the road more often!

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