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    Pimperne, Blandford, Dorset.

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  1. Can someone point me in the right direction of a chart with different spindle dimensions on please? I thought I had a couple but I seem to have misplaced them.
  2. Hi, I have been looking to see if I can find the swingarm dimensions for the 600/750 K models and SRAD but have been coming up blank. I am most specifically looking for 600 K1, 2 & 3 dimensions. Could someone point me in the right direction please?
  3. First pic needed a block of wood to stop it falling over. Second pic is pants but the bike leans at a decent angle without the wood.
  4. That is a before pic next to a finished pic
  5. I have been away for a week and only just had chance to do the final update. The triangle adjustable dog bones worked but you couldn't get at the adjuster on the bottom of the shock. So I made another set of dog bones at 139mm centres which let you use the adjuster and raise the rear of the bike a little. I noticed the shock was rubbing the 20mm spacer plate so I whipped that off and linished a recess in it to give the shock room. The WP shock looks like a moped shock compared to the GSXR 750 K2 shock. All it needs now is the shock dialled in for the rider.
  6. Finally finished! Fourth time lucky! I got the mechanicals working perfect with the WP shock only the shock itself was too soft for the SRAD link and dog bones. I got an SRAD shock which was too long and threw up other issues. It is a bigger diameter to the WP shock so hit the link with the SRAD 150mm dog bones. I made some new 140mm and 135mm dog bones which let the shock fit the link but pushed the top eye even higher so the SRAD shock was a no go. The GSXR 750 K2 shock arrived today and it is even bigger diameter than the SRAD shock. It still fitted with the 140mm dog bones but the 15mm spacer plate I made first was too thin to allow the shock to bolt in and I needed to raise the top mount a little. I made a 20mm spacer plate and moved the adjustable top mount up the bolt holes. I set the shock on its softest settings and it works great. You can't bottom it out even with my 15stone fat ass bouncing it! The adjustable top mount is on it's lowest setting as well. So the shock can be dialled in by stiffening the spring and setting the rebound and dampening adjusters and the height can be changed on the top adjuster. The last picture is one I found online of someone raising the standard top shock mount that I unashamedly pinched the idea off when I needed to raise mine up! Thankfully I only needed the one spacer plate.
  7. I have resleeved end cans and bought end caps from PJ Engineering. You should be able to find somewhere your side of the pond that sells carbon sleeves.
  8. (1) Carbon Tubes – pj engineering
  9. I have done something similar but with 5mm thick cork gasket material. Cut discs out to fit in pod filters to restrict air flow.
  10. Had another result this afternoon. While checking the length of the SRAD shock I bought I found they are 356mm between hole centres. The shock in the bike is 312mm between centres. The SRAD shock might be too long to fit. I started looking at other options and the GSXR 750 K1 to K3 shocks are 330mm between centres. I found a decent looking one on Eblag for £24 delivered.
  11. Just had a result. Looking at an SRAD shock on Eblag, found one that looked decent for £30 or offers. I offered a cheeky £20 expecting them to come back with a counter offer. They accepted my offer so I have an SRAD 750 shock on it's way. Some people are asking well over £100 for shocks that look like they have been dredged from a canal! This one looks pretty good. I'll still whip the spring off and clean it up but it should do the job.
  12. It makes things easier. I tried 130mm and they worked but it lent over too much on the side stand. I tried 120mm and it was even worse. I went back to the 150mm SRAD ones as they put the link in as close to the SRAD angle of dangle as I could get. If necessary I can go to 140mm. By trying 10mm increments you can see which direction you need to go in so if 130mm and 140mm aren't quite right you can do some in the middle at 135mm.
  13. It's great that you can attach pictures direct from a PC to the forum now. It used to take ages going from a photo hosting site, copying the link, then attaching it to a forum.
  14. The original top mount had been offset with the frame bar drilled and tapped to suit. That part is thinner than where the shock mount is supposed to fit and it was bolted down across the original raised section with a 2mm gap at the bolts. I made some 2mm stainless shims to fill the gap at first, but didn't like the idea. So I decided to make an adjustable top mount. I used some 12mm flat as the base with some 8mm plate for the top and some 5mm gussets. It is a bit heavy but I tried to err on the side of strength and use stuff I already had in. When I do another one I will buy in some 8mm thick steel angle, or even a section of H beam and cut it down from a single piece of steel, I'll work that out when the time comes. I used a ZX6R top eye because they are easy to get and cheaper than if I made one from scratch. I made a 15mm thick ally spacer to move the shock away from the front of the swingarm. Just need to find an SRAD shock now as the one that was in it is too soft with the SARD link and dog bones.
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