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  1. Ok. Got some that was of a track bike. They had a really rich pilot and lean mains to get the top end power
  2. What size is the pilot?
  3. Have u deleted all the vacuum stuff from the carbs?
  4. Hey guys. Bought an non running 750 sead. Its now running but not great. Starts, idles and runs low throttle öike a champ now. But on throttle 3 and 4 wont really open the cv valve slide. Any suggestions? Now i habe them apart, any sugestions to what jets to put in there?
  5. I would go with 117.5 or 120 main jet and maybe an 1/8 out on the pilot. Should make it crisp and beefy
  6. Ahahaha Ill try that. I have an 750 lever and swinger around here somewhere.
  7. I will recommend to get better front forks. 10 years old forks are really good and quite cheap.
  8. How did it work out for the third guy? Is it still running? What was his trick(s) for making it work?
  9. Good luck m8
  10. I used a bandit axle, and cut down an bandit spacer 6mm on the right side, skimmed 2mm off the caliper where it mates the hanger. This is a slab side as you see.
  11. How did it ride with the st2 cams? Throttle response, midrange etc.
  12. How rigid is a frame like that? What's the size of the tank?
  13. I have found a good and sound 1100 arm that appears to be straight. But insanely expensive. Actually all I have found on the net have been very expensive. So if I could upgrade to an better swingarm for the same or less money, I would opt for that
  14. Super... Have you tried it out. Im desperate here.
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