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About Upshotknothole

  • Birthday January 6

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    Portland, OR

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  1. Well designed by Suzuki, improved by Pops Yoshimura, perfected be me.
  2. Found out that the clutch was done 8-9 years ago, but no idea on how many miles the bike has done in that time. Next time I go over to his place, gonna pull the clutch out again, measure everything, but probably just buy all new OEM frictions and steels. Found a copy of the manual to go by for checking everything.
  3. The steels look practically new. Gonna try and find the specs on them and measure them up and check them for flatness.
  4. First place I looked online here in the states had the 8 frictions at $25/each. Gonna look around some more and see if I can't find a better deal on them. Steels were about $11/each.
  5. Thanks, I suspect it's gonna be the same issue. My friend that owns the bike now isn't a super fast rider and this isn't his primary bike, just something old and fun to play around with. I'll let him know the two options.
  6. I'm about 95% positive that the frictions, steels, and springs are all Barnett. Now the question is, do we try riding it hard and seeing if the clutch will break in, or just buy OEM frictions and steels and see if that fixes it or at least improves it.
  7. As far as I know the clutch is relatively new, it definitely looks new and I'm not sure how long ago it was installed before my buddy bought it. I think the bike had probably been sitting for some time as well. Might be worth trying to just put it all back together and ride it hard for a bit and see if it improves.
  8. I was thinking about this more last night. I don't think the baskets are that bad that they'd be causing this much trouble. If anything, I'm wondering if the clutch pack is too thick. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
  9. Unfortunately they haven't been on the site in almost 5 years so I don't think they're gonna be of much help.
  10. If they turn out I'd be interested in a set.
  11. He will ship to the states. About $210 shipped for a couple of slightly curved pieces of carbon fiber and a handful of fasteners. Seems a bit excessive.
  12. Contacted them to see if they'll ship to the states.
  13. Sounds like the previous owner put a full Barnett kit in the bike.
  14. Went and grabbed lunch and thought about it a bit. Noticed when I put the clutch back together without the springs in, it drags really bad. Like the inner basket is hard to turn with only the plates and pressure plate in place. Do these frictions look like OEM or Barnett? If they’re aftermarket we’ll replace them.
  15. The clutch lever was pretty loose when I first checked it. I adjusted it and it didn’t make any difference. I pulled the clutch cover and pulled the plates out. The basket is notched but not very bad. The frictions and steels look good too. Thoughts on this basket? When dragging a pick on the inner basket you can feel the notches, outer not so much.
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