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  1. Good point. And I Have one staring at me
  2. True but eye watering expensive. Plus you have to order each jet separately. Which means I'll forget something. I just need a jet kit of reasonable quality. Thinking of fitting a dynojet kit
  3. Thanks Dezza Any thoughts on where I can get jets
  4. Can anyone recommend a cárb overhaul kit for a 750 SRAD? Buying them piecemeal from Suzuki is expensive. Also is this a job for the technically challenged?
  5. Sorry can't help you there. My project is delayed probably indefinitely
  6. Try water in the petrol, that's what did it to mine. Water can gather in the tank at the low point in front of the seat. This is where it will pinhole too.
  7. I'm about to strip down my vm 29s and have a few questions. I've used search but couldn't find the answers. Who does a good quality refurb kit? I think the gasket between the faceplate and the body is nla. Has anyone found a way to replace it? As far as I can see all I have to do for a big bore is to take the faceplate out to 33mm. Is that all or do I have to do something else as well? Can anyone recommend someone to bore the faceplate out? Bernard
  8. Thanks Macduff
  9. Sorry to hijack the thread, but does anybody know the sizes for the early F model slabby?
  10. Thanks guys I'll give it a go.
  11. I have the usual concrete carb rubber problem on my slabby. I need to get the carbs off but no amount of heat will shift them and being afraid of breaking some thing, my hacksaw is looking inviting. Not going to use them again so can I cut the rubbers off or am I missing something
  12. What I was told was that twin lights evolved so that one pointed ahead {up} under hard braking and the other in the normal position.
  13. bernardo

    F or G?

    ET mine is on a black and silver plate rivited to the left of the headstock and stamped on the right. Same nó twice. Bike was UK model
  14. bernardo

    F or G?

    Swiss I have my f since 89 its frame no is gr75a engine r705. Bike is unmolested. its partly dismantled at the moment so if there's any dimensions or pics you want let me know.
  15. bernardo


    Francos advertise them on that site. If you find a source for the cheese grater let me know
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