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gsx 750e 1983 engine noise


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I've bought myself a suzuki gsx 750e.

there is only one probleme with it, it rattles when it idles


you can hear it by the end of the movie.

so i started diging in to the engine, and found nothing at first.

so when i started playing around with the starter clutch i noticed there was play on the gear.


you can see it in the video

is this normal? or could it be the source of the noise?

any input is welcome


common suzuki tickover rattle on gs/gsx motors is the clutch rattling at tickover. jt goes when you rev it and more important for diagnosing it, when you pull in the clutch, it can largely be quietened by carefully balancing the carbs. the backplate of the clutch has transmission springs in it that can be worn or even broken. abuse shortens their life, although our of balance carbs makes them rattle even if the clutch is ok, so fire it up, wait till it rattles, pull in the clutch, if it goes quiet, its the basket. balance the carbs, if its still bad then you can either look for a decent used basket, or buy a kit to repair your own one, but the kits arent cheap so a decent used one is a better bet.

On ‎16‎-‎4‎-‎2017 at 6:02 PM, xnob said:

so when i started playing around with the starter clutch i noticed there was play on the gear.

you can see it in the video

is this normal? or could it be the source of the noise?

It seems excessive play to me. Does the gear just move axial, or does it wobble in place? Spin the gear by hand to feel for notchiness and so get an indication of wear and damage.

I don't have any experience with these 750ES engines though, but on older types the amount of play would be reason enough to pull things apart for closer inspection.

It is unclear however  whether this is the source of the rattle noise or it is the clutch. Like johnr stated, clutch rattle is sort of  normal on older Suzuki's. Pulling the clutch lever is the way to determine if the clutch is the culprit.  Apart from things already mentioned, I'd first check for a loosened centre hub nut. Due to wear and age the play between parts increases, and so parts start rattling which causes the nut to become undone. Because of the locking tab the nut cannot wind itself from the axle, but nipping it up again should some of the looseness between parts. (Use hammer and drift to flatten the locking tab, torque the nut, bend the tab over again against the nut).

But while things are apart anyway, take the whole clutch assembly out and inspect the springs in the backing plate as mentioned by others.

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