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cleaning carb bodies on kat 11


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hi folks, 

what do ye use to clean outside of carbs,i have the internals sorted, but the outside looks poor even though they are clean, is there a solution ye use like brake cleaner with wire wool ?,the outside 2 caps are supposed to be polished but mine are pitted  and will probably have to settle for a clean ,so looking for hints please thanks


If you strip the carbs it will be a lot easier. If you do this, split the bank and make sure each carb is dismantled fully with all plastic and rubber parts removed. Then immerse each carb body in a mixture of nasty solvent. A mixture of cellulose thinners and acetone works really well. You have to do this outside and use a leak-proof container with a lid, and a decent face mask helps. After an overnight soak, all the crap will fall off as will any paint when you clean the carb with a paintbrush while it's still wet.

If you just have corrosion you'll need to manually remove it but if you use wonder wheels wheel cleaner first (a mild acid) it makes it much easier. Dilute citirc acid works too (available on Eblag in powder form.) After an initial clean with WW and a rinse with water, due to all the nooks and crannies a dremel type tool works well with a wire brush attachment. An alternative is soda blasting from the word go but this isn't exactly cheap. Any acid cleaner is going to attack zinc plating so again this method works best when the carbs are stripped of as many vulnerable parts as possible.

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Posted (edited)

Be warned ... this looks very messy! Read the comments also ... so good ideas in there. I haven't actually tried this, but got very close when cleaning carbs in the past. But decided a physical approach after aggressive ultrasonic cleaning, and scrubbing with a toothbrush was good enough for me ... but I am not trying to get a showbike ready :o)

Edited by Solcambs

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