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    Third rock from the suno

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  1. Had a '97 one. Had some clutch issues so changed the springs (early 5 spring clutch) which helped a lot. Then one day I gave it some and either the back torque limiter thingy in the clutch slipped or the wheel slipped.. something grabbed pretty firmly. Mag wheel with minimal cush probably didn't help. Anywho, engine didn't feel happy after that.. rode it some more.. maybe 50 miles. Tore into the engine and noticed the big end had sheared about 3/4 of the way around
  2. Yeah early ones are the most entertaining.. also most problematic.
  3. TLRS

    Carbomoto Bandit

    Probably not in absolute sense but in "I got a bike shop and want to make a carbon frame" sense? Beyond me why this effort seems to be frowned upon..
  4. TLRS

    Carbomoto Bandit

    This bandit might have been conceived when carbon was still very much a novelty?
  5. TLRS

    Carbomoto Bandit

    Maybe the weight is exagerated a little.. still a cool build though.. not a lot left on the table for weight saving it seems.
  6. TLRS

    Carbomoto Bandit

    Do you know what it would look like if I had done it
  7. TLRS

    Carbomoto Bandit

    It does.. maybe they used to original frame to make a plug from and make a carbon frame out of that?
  8. There are lots of differences, big and small. For instance, the TLS/TLR and SV all have their own injection system. Any specific information you are looking for?
  9. TLRS

    Carbon Fairings

    Don't think there's a company actively making them because we'd probably know about it.. this is OSS after all.
  10. With both changes you sort of tilt the frame forward, taking the rake with it?
  11. Smart move.. I think it's probably one of the best buys all things considered. But then again I don't like Brembo.. or caliper brackets lol.
  12. I think late 90ies but best wait for a grown up to confirm
  13. Nissin(triumph) 4 pot or if you feel flush, 6 pot Nissin. Alcon did 6 pot for Triumph but probably difficult to find.
  14. Does anyone know if this is the original dodge busa?
  15. What's surprises me most is how that's possible with mot..
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