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Winged Hammer
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Everything posted by zedhead

  1. Had no interwebs while i was travelling so only just seen this :-) it was an ace weekend, by the way! Pics to follow, maybe even some words for an OSS report...
  2. Of course you're allowed! If anyone asks, tell them I said you could go...
  3. Any OSSers north of the border may like to know that there is an 'Old Skool' show at the Tomintoul Motorcycle Gathering on Saturday. Tropphies for Best Standard and Best Modified, free entry and the chance to buy me a pint! :-)
  4. zedhead

    TT meet

    With the racing, the only other 'free' day is Tuesday...
  5. zedhead

    TT meet

    So, judging by the Peel contingent's desire to go and see the Purple Helmets in Onchan on Mad Sunday evening, there'll be no-one top meet up with...
  6. zedhead

    TT meet

    Bummer. That's a great shame mate, time for a stroker crank... Didn't get chance for a natter either, but on the plus side my room is ready! :-)
  7. zedhead

    TT meet

    Port Erin TT day is on the Monday, so Mad Sunday evening / ate afternoon would be good. The Bay at between 6 and 7pm?....
  8. I've got more than the ones I sent to Scott, and I will be sorting through them and sending pics to whomsoever wants them. The ones that Mr Mangler is going to share show the bikes that I did get ;-)
  9. Rene not included in the selection... my laptop can't take that much awesome.
  10. I've just been going through the pics - managed to make a selection of just 51... (a fraction of how many there are)
  11. I've been getting distracted by other things. On with it soon though. Honest.
  12. Buy? Fucking BUY? You can have the ones I took for sweet FA ;-)
  13. Okay, I'll check them out, I got over two thousand pics so they're taking some sorting...
  14. Also, a couple of RGVs, and a GSX-R400 if they're on here?...
  15. Yes Rob, got lots of you on the Spondon, but none of the HUC, not sure about Kev, I need to have another look... I couldn't remember what colour the Kwak was...
  16. After a quick review of my pics, I have deffo got Mr Mangler, another couple of Kats, matey on the stretched EFE (that's you innit Sheep?), a couple of GS Thous, and loads and loads of Slabbies including the Team Banana bike. Let me know what you were riding and I'll see if I can sort out some of you ;-)
  17. I had an ace day on Saturday - missed loads of people who I knew were there, but I did spend quite a bit of time trackside... Came home with well over two thousand pics, many of which were of OSSers on track ;-)
  18. zedhead

    TT meet

    Ah, we're on the morning crossing, 9.45am I think...
  19. zedhead

    TT meet

    Leblowski's first time, is it not? And what time is your ferry on the Wednesday? We sail on Wednesday as well...
  20. zedhead

    TT meet

    Does Port Erin have it's 'beach family day' thing on Mad Sunday? If so, might be better to stay away from the screaming kids, drunk teenage parents and spilt ice creams...
  21. zedhead

    TT meet

    It's about time you got back over there... We're over from Wednesday of practice week, will be good to catch up ;-)
  22. zedhead

    TT meet

    The Bay Hotel?
  23. zedhead

    TT meet

    Deffo Rich ;-) just got to sort out the venue (pub or cafe? got to have a decent size car park...) where would folk like to meet? Somewhere off the beaten track maybe so those folk who only know the Mountain Circuit and nothing else get to see a bit more of the Island?...
  24. The 1216cc big bore is ace. Certainly more than a 10bhp gain, and yes, it gives more midrange. Over the quarter mile you should see an improvemnet in both ET and terminal speed, although what the difference is will depend on gearing and, of course, rider technique. Personally, I'd undo the bolt holding the ignition advancer, place the advancer in the paml of your hand, and then hurl it as far away as you can... I'd also think about the sidewinder, it'll limit the venues at which you'll be able to race, and would only really be of benefit if you were going to run nitrous.
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