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Posts posted by Allspeeds

  1. I’m sure I already know the answer to this but are 1100 and 750 wheels for the K models the same fitment for discs, carriers etc and will fit into both bikes with the only difference being the 1100 is 5.5 inch rear wheel?

    i ask because I’m thinking of ordering some new OZ wheels as there on offer at the minute bike tourque racing  advertised a set as being for a GSXR 1100 k and although my bikes already has an 1100 rear wheel in I want to be triple sure the 1100 front will fit my discs and forks as my chassis is 89 750 k I’m sure it’s all the same but I’d rather ask the question?

  2. On 4/12/2019 at 8:20 AM, jb said:

    cheers :)   it still needs more 'proving' and is me only bike on the road at present.

    will be mostly looking into suspension upgrades this year......after that it might be time to shove in the old gs1000 motor.....:mr711:

    Don’t waist your time and money on others just ring Richard at Maxton he will sort it out forks and shock at sensible money for up to date cartridges and shocks for your old skool bikes mate you can even take your bike to him to set up if you wanted

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  3. 31 minutes ago, MeanBean49 said:

    Copper washers are on the studs that the oil ways pass up. Softer and Makes sure they seal properly and not bleed oil pressure off iirc

    Yah mate I’ve got new copper washers for the ones that use because as you say there for a seal that wasn’t my thought it was more the steel washers as my thought was it would give you more thread use and was that why ape have mate the base of the nuts so thick?

  4. Just a quick one on ape head studs a nuts on a blandit/gsxr with the nuts being tall with a very deep flange on the bottom do you still use the standard steel washers when fitting the head?? Fitting instructions don’t say yes or no but it would make sense with the depth of the base being twice as thick making it the equivalent of the standard flange nut and washer any info would be great before I fit my head.

  5. On 8/25/2018 at 2:34 PM, dupersunc said:

    Came off some some bloke called Dunlop's bike at the Manx.


    We ran same set up on the super twin at the TT good kit top quality got the the same as you have there sat in a box ready for a classic superbike for another customer to (y)

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