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Rene EFE

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Posts posted by Rene EFE

  1. Need to make an outrigger to save me the headache of redoing the gearbox again. 

    Does anyone have pics/drawings/anything that would help me get up to speed with how to go about it? I've seen 'em a million times but never had a proper look and now I need to make one myself...

  2. I've welded loads of Slingy parts in the past and probably will have a go on these before I try anything else, mostly because that would save me to buy anything. It's not to make it look pretty; the bike comes straight from Mad Max as it is, so a few scars won't look out of place.

  3. Is it as easy to do as it is with Slingy panels? The plastic seems more brittle and I'm worried that it won't respond to heat as well as that of the later models?

    I have a fiaring which needs major work and I need to know which route to take from the start to get it done properly


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