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  1. Sad thing is that a Military Spec (Mil-Spec) capacitor has a life of 4000 hrs. That's why the military's throw laptops away after 4 or 5 years, they don't trust them. I'm not sure what to expect out of consumer grade components. I managed to pick up 3 CDI units for my '83 GS750ES for around $25 bucks a piece, in case mine blew. 40 years later, it's still going strong. Even the used ones have tripled in price. Some of these seem interchangeable, but the power curve isn't right, and the bikes won't feel the same. The GS1150 and GS750ES look and have the same plug, but they have different power curves.
  2. For the record, my sister who had the heart and lung transplants is thriving!! She even looks different. So much blood pumping now and oxygenated, she looks wonderful.
  3. The anti-dive units on my bike work excellently. Haven ridden the same bikes with them blocked off, I preferred the bike stock. In New England, the backgrounds demand a lot of hard braking, and not having the bike dive like my other ones just feels better to me. As I stated, my units work, if they didn't, and I could not rebuild them, then making a block of plate with a cut out for fork oil transfer would be easy enough to do, and the block off plates would weigh far less the the anti-dive units., so weight is not a consideration that really matters, as you are reducing the unsprung weight. I guess one could always drill and tape the holes, and run lines between the holes ? IMHO
  4. I have to get a Lumbar Puncture next week, (S3). I plan to ride into November, then the Suzuki GS750ES, and the ZZR1200 will be put up for the Winter.
  5. I am sorry for the slightly Off-Topic post. Yesterday, my sister completed her 1-year anniversary of her heart and lung transplant. Absolutely no serious side effects or problems. She has actually gone for many 5 mile walks. I just wanted to post this so that others may find hope it what may sometimes feel like a hopless situation. On another note, my GS750ES (1983) had a solder come loose intermittently on the kill switch. What a PIA, stopping all of a sudden while going 60 mph. I knew it had to be something simple, but finding it, well, I thought too hard about it. When I took the right switch apart, everything was together, when I pulled on the harness, the soldered piece separated from the Kill Switch. I drilled out the solder on both pieces, stuck in two new wires and soldered them back in place. It's probably the 5th time I've had a problem with the bike since I purchased it knew in 1983. I really feel this motorcycle has given me so much. The bike is running great, and with the new clutch, clutch plates and springs, it really grabs hard now. When you hit the power band, it becomes quite beastly!
  6. My sister is running at 100%. Everything is healed, no rejection. Full Heart and Lung transplant. She looks wonderful. The most extreme upgrade!! May the donor and the family of the donor be blessed. The Heart and Lungs are 20 years younger than my sisters were. Still working on my bikes, just had to slow up due to the freezing Winter. I have all the parts for a 16" to 17" wheel conversion for my 1983 GS750ES, however, I just picked up a very nice 16" tire, so I will wear that down first.
  7. I did this once and just drained the gas/oil out, then filled it with new oil. I never bothered flushing it out..... The bike ran fine. It has 40K on it, does not smoke, and runs like a bear. I saw the engine temperature commuting to work, then realized I forgot to turn the "PRI" offf. I pulled over to a gas station, and the guy let me change the oil right there. I didn't have time to do any flushing, but I will say that the bike ran really well. I think that gas may have cleaned out some galleys in that engine, wouldn't do it on purpose. In any event, don't think that the flushing is really necessary if it is allowed to drain every drop out. I could be horribly wrong, and your bike may blow up with you on top of it, or you may just have cleaned out the inside of the cases.
  8. Nice find, fer sure! Not many of these in the U.S., stock, it would bring a lot of bucks
  9. Thank You all very much. She's my little sister, always dear to me. And yes, she has had to ultimate upgrade!!.
  10. I hope you guys will forgive me for this. My sister had been very ill. The doctor's said the medicine had stopped working and she needed a Heart and Lung transplant. We prayed much on this, she was put on top of the list, and the first two times, she was almost opened up, surgically prepared, but the lungs failed. On the third attempt, she was called in, this time stressed beyond all belief, she went in. Everything worked out 100%!!! My sister, 9 days following the surgery, walked 1 mile, unassisted, and has been waling a mile a day, every day, with her newly implanted donor lungs. She told me she felt fantastic. As a family, well feel blessed. The young girl who passed, and checked that box that allowed her Lungs and Heart to be harvested, well, I just don't know the words. I never will know this donor of her family, but in their time of grief, their daughters heart and lungs live on in one of the beautiful, spirit filled people you could ever meet. I wish I could tell the donor family how thankful our family is, but that isn't allows. This young lady checked the box, and allowed someone else to live. I just find this whole experience hard to fathom. My sister feels ever minute she has is a gift, and is doing everything so she can have a full life, for the time she has left. This has occupied my time for the last few months. I hope this post doesn't violate any forum rules. I ask for nothing. I just wanted to share some wonderful news.
  11. Bridgestone Battleax. That's what I have on mine, front and rear. I just got a front one this week. They aren't the easiest tire to find. They work welll though, grab when warmed up, and have a good life to them.
  12. I own a 1983 GS750ESD (in the U.S. that's what they were called) You fuse box is not in the stock position. That looks like a Regulator/Rectifier mounted where the tool box used to go. There should be 3 wires coming from the stator, and two=/- going to the battery, if it was modified the way most people to get away from the horrid design the bikes came with. Service Manuals are easy to find in .pdf online if you Google for them. Without a wiring diagram, you will be going in circles.
  13. Suzukian


  14. Suzukian

    Dead Kat

    Turn it over with the spark plugs out, and do it by hand. so you can feel if anything has broken inside. This will minimize any damage and possibly prevent catastrophic damage. You can check the spark with all the plugs out, but do it by hand off, once you determine the engine is turning over smoothly, then you can turn it over with the starter, you may have dropped a coil. You will have to take off one of the crankshaft covers, the right side, sitting on the bike, has the electronics, so you won't have oil coming out. Check to make sure.
  15. You might want to wrap something around the stud to not mar/scratch it's surface.
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