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  1. Can't wait to see how that motor performs in this setup
  2. Maybe lol. He got a good motor. And I got some eggs
  3. Not really met him half ish way
  4. Is it in yet???? Good to meet you today mate. Enjoy the boost
  5. So I can sell the rods then lol
  6. Road going b12. I have some carrillo rods and heavy duty studs and nut. Also a ported head done by mistral. Guess I'll want to upgrade carbs aswell
  7. Would uprated rods be recommended for a 1277 job
  8. They look beefy. Don't suppose you know a rough cost for case boring do you.
  9. Woah. Bandit cases? What are those rods?
  10. Cases opened up??
  11. What size motor is that?? I have a COPE big block I want to put on my bandit. It's 82mm at present but hoping to take it out to 83mm 1277cc
  12. Wasn't sure if it would need tobe machined out. And the barrels move up. With the appropriate thickness base spacers
  13. Can you run a piano wired block without the wire. And use a cometic gasket instead of copper??
  14. Seen someone else asking about this on face ache today
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