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Everything posted by bob654

  1. NGK.
  2. I will. Chaos Captain hehe
  3. Will do thanks.
  4. I have a one size up main set 115. which I will try today.
  5. Yes it revs through. ATU?
  6. Hi again, So recap and latest work done. Suzuki GS750 USA import 78. Everything done. Head skimmed, carbs rebuilt, Primary jets standard, main 110 . Vannes and Hines 4 into 1 , standard air box, resealed, new rubbers + clamps airbox and head,no leaks, Dynatek s coils, new leads, and plug caps are NGK, new clutch plates too. My question or problem is... Bike seems to be working hard to get up to 70 then wont go further. So far I've checked for clutch slip, wondered if I need to increase main jet size,or if its my advance ignition timing, I also have an inline fuel filter. Going to look at these tomorrow, and also do some chop tests. Anything you guys can add would be a great help.
  7. Whats your opinion on these clamps? Do you think these would stretch , elongate, over time and not fasten so tight? Would it be worthwhile replacing these, or would a quick straighten with a plier make them good as new? They tighten to the point that they butt against each other, ATM.
  8. Just got this reply on an other forum ( excuse me) do they contradict? When using an aux fuel supply with direct fuel feed you just need to plug the fuel tap vac hose (#3 carb) so it isn't drawing air and weakening the mix on that cylinder. A 6mm bolt or similar stuck in the end of the hose does the trick. The rest of the hoses apart from the fuel pipe/s will be vents ( carbs # 2 and 4 ) and must be left open to atmosphere
  9. I have been rebuilding a GS750 78, ( USA import) here in Scotland, for a few years, most recently, a head skim, valve timing, ignition timing. Carbs have been, apart, a few times, cleaned, a few times, on and off, a few times, jets swapped , a few times, etc. Latest issue was, not firing on 1 without choke. I found an air leak, and haven't tried it again since ( to scared). What I wanted to ask today is, HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO HAVE ALL THE VACUUM HOSES AND PETCOCK HOSE ( running off a axillary tank at the moment) PLUGGED IN? To the running of the bike. I have been reading loads on carbs, ( first build) and have seem very little on vacuums in that time.
  10. Right, had another go this morning. Tensioner installed, first, checked the timing and I was off one cog between cams. Now she turns smoothly all the way round. Thank you.
  11. Just hand turn so far.
  12. Would not, having the cam chain tensioner installed have anything to do with this?
  13. I will check all my buckets are moving too.
  14. Cheers, will do. The head skim shouldn't effect the valve clearance, eh? I checked the cam timing about 10 times today, so will check again. That only leaves, me mixing my shims, when they were off., and I didnt think I did? Oh well fresh start in the morning.
  15. Hi, thanks in advance. I am rebuilding my bike after getting the head skimmed, 9 thou. Got as far as putting the rebuilt head back on the bike today, put the cams back on and bolted down, replaced the pully wheel. I turned over by hand a few times today before stopping, (limited to daylight work,) and there seems to be a tight lobe, Its always the same spot on the cycle. Exhaust, number 1 cylinder. I wonder where to start in the morning? Check the shim? Is it normal to have a spot that is tighter?
  16. Do you need to know " the Ratio" of the speedo to swap them out?
  17. Im finding that the 81"s have the required forward bracket mounting and the hinge. The 83"s have the hinge, but, no rear brake stop, or forward positioning bracket.
  18. Hi, I have searched for an answer to this so I thought I"d ask. I would like to put folding front foot pegs on my 1978 GS750. Do the 83 ones fit when bought with the mounts? Also, what happens to the rear brake bump stop?
  19. So, a little update-; I've set the ignition timing, checked the valve shims, tuned the carbs. I was about to set off on a long run 30 miles or so I thought when I noticed my volt metre was reading 15.5 v which I wasn't keen on and have been told that is too high even if the manual says thats fine. I switched out the regulator and the rectifier, with Electrex R/R one, and am now sitting on 13.8 volts. I got my earths crossed and tried to mount em in the wrong place, so I need to thank, GS7_11, again for his knowledge and advice. Im now looking forward to my ride this week. Cheers.
  20. Check ignition ground is clean fixed and working. http://gsarchive.bwringer.com/bikecliff/images/vm_carb_rebuild.pdf
  21. New inlet rubbers, and all is good, thank you
  22. I thought I was less stupid than I turned out to be, who knew. And thanks again to GS7_11 for his help.
  23. New inlet rubbers, and all is good, thank you. Twits are almost indistinguishable from the populace.
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