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  1. z9 looks pretty good
  2. SFC

    info needed

    much apreciated for all your input , think i will take advise and pass on them, many thanks , carl
  3. SFC

    info needed

    this is the info he just sent me , if anyone can verify these are oilcooled 38mm i can buy them tonight , thanking you all
  4. SFC

    info needed

    Centre of choke to centre of choke of outer carbs is 85mm and 91mm for inner carbs. With my crappy eyes these measurements could be 1-2 mm out so are a fair ball park Cetntre of choke to centre of choke of outer carbs is 85mm and 91mm for inner carbs. t With my crappy eyes theCentre of choke to centre of choke of outer carbs is 85mm and 91mm for inner carbs.se measu Centre of choke to centre of are a fair ball park rements could be 1-2 mm out so are a fair ball park
  5. SFC

    info needed

    Centre of choke to centre of choke of outer carbs is 85mm and 91mm for inner carbs
  6. SFC

    info needed

    i dont think he knows what they came off as he was going to use them for a car , i asked if they are oilcooled and he thinks they might be, when measuring is it center to center bore and what should oilcooled be ??
  7. SFC

    info needed

  8. SFC

    info needed

  9. SFC

    info needed

  10. SFC

    info needed

  11. SFC

    info needed

    they are for sale that i want to buy, listed as 38mm , no tps, thinks they came from oil cooled but he is not sure
  12. SFC

    info needed

    can anyone verify if these are oilcooled ? 38mm
  13. SFC

    info needed

    cant use airbox with my frame, cant seem to get the 40 on rubbers , anyway of telling if i ended up buying watercooled carbs ?
  14. SFC

    info needed

    just gone back to hydrolic clutch on 1100m and need to know pushrod length , also going to fit 40mm carbs as just sold the 36mm ones and need to know standard settings or a decent set-up with v&h sidewinder (baffled) and ram air filters
  15. SFC

    40mm carb settings

    its an old bob moss frame, changed a bit since i bought it , dit have a 12 engine but that went funky and ended up buying 1100m engine , used bandit carbs but not running to its potental so bought matching 40mm carbs hoping for an easy fix.....nothing going my way lately but will keep on at it slowly
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