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    texas mother fuckers

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  1. Any tips on slinging k3 gsxr 1000 running gear onto a efe?
  2. Anyone put 03 gsxr 1000 running gear onto a efe?
  3. Wurz

    750w swingarm

    Before I start this what's needed to fit one into a slabby 750? Or is there no point?
  4. Wurz


    What are the largest you can fit to a 750 slabby, without having major air/fueling issues?
  5. Wurz


    Picking up a 86 750 tomorrow, looks like I'm going to be needing lower left and right plastics in black and red and some oem indicators and a screen... apart from that she looks ok. Full period yoshi system on her and fairly low miles.....
  6. and never will
  7. Is there a comprehensive list somewhere?
  8. Wurz


    I have the option on getting a 97 gsxr 750 cheap.. will the front and rear end be compatible with the kat?
  9. only a 10 hour drive from me
  10. https://www.barbermuseum.org/events/barber-vintage-festival/
  11. Wurz


    Right I'm in the process of bastardising a left hand kat switch gear, both are fucked in different ways. So, anyone got an exploded view of where the springs and ball bearing go?
  12. Wurz

    My day

    It was $7 ....... nearly free
  13. Wurz

    My day

    State inspection = mot test
  14. Wurz

    My day

    You knew it was me when you burst through the door and shouted "you're a wizard harry"
  15. Wurz

    My day

    Had to get the kat inspected today (think mot) going well until the "now the horn" request. Fucking thing was blanked off, and apparently me shouting "get out the fucking way" wasn't acceptable (I know right) . So, after a quick trip to autozone, a quick "can i borrow a screwdriver and a length of wire" later we have one inspected bike.... For the folk back in the uk the test went like this.... "right , let me see you get up to about 20mph and stop, ok cool, pull it over here. Brake lights...ok...blinkers? Ok... horn? Ok... you're done" didn't even have to get off the bike. Then on the way home I ran out of petrol.. because I'm a twat and didn't notice it was on reserve. Conclusion. The brakes are shit, the suspension is fucking terrible, aircooled bikes in Texas are a stupid idea, there's a really annoying noise above 80mph that I can't work out where it's coming from and it's really uncomfortable to ride.. I fucking love it
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