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Posts posted by boilerdude

  1. I hear ya. But it's just a clutch. I'll keep the oil changed and if the clutch thats in there gets fried. I'll be sure to get a better one.




    anyway here's the kit. scroll down. the Bandit street kit. I dont really have any local connections in this. Who's gonna make the plenum and manifold and pressure fittings and figure out whats the right fuel pump and where to start with tuning. So the way this is looking so far is buying a kit. This kit...

    any objections? better ideas?

    I do wish it came with an intercooler...

  2. Btw that is a concervative number. Another question is how much power should I expect bandit bottom end be able to handle.

    I dont have some personal limit that I want to stop at 200. I just want to make sure the motor holds together for a while... So again If I can manage a safe 220-230 that will be fantastic.

    From "what ive read" or at least what I think I remember from what I read somehwere... Is that the bandit bottom end does not like much more than 250 hp. So I dont necessarily want to be all the way up there at 250. but backed off a tad from there. you know...


  3. Right on. So I shouldn't worry so much about getting the compression back up. Anywhere in the 8 point something to 1 range will at least be on the safe side for detonation prevention. 

    And like you said how much should I really concern myself with grunt before the turbo anyway.  If the turbo is not huge and spools reasonably quick.

    So just a bore and hone. Maybe some light porting. And If I decide to shave the head a very very minimal amount should be all that I take off.

  4. Right. It's the head that gets shaved then? thats another dumb question. I'm sure I'll have a bunch more slightly wrong questions. Again just bare with me and thanks for the help so far.

    So I leave the block alone aside from boring it and installing whatever studs and such... And It's the head that gets shaveded I reckon? So I must sound like an idiot when I'm talking about shortening the block.


  5. Ok so I suppose thats half a stupid question because I'm sure the machine shop knows the bore stroke compression "so we need to mill this much" equation. So the real question I suppose is... What's this I'm hearing about having to reset the cams once you mill the block so much. Am I milling that much?

  6. the proboost kit is blow through carb kit. Thanks all of you btw.

    I edited the above post to be less prickish. But also ask the question in a different way.

    how much can I mill off the bandit block before I need to refuckulate the cams and such.

    To reach a compression ratio of approximately stock bandit again...

    Like bore x stroke + current compression ratio. How much do I need to cut.

    First off how much definitively do hayabusa pistons drop the compression? And then with the 81mm bore and whatever the stroke is. How much should I mill to get back to my target of approximately stock bandit compression.


  7. Shit my bad. That was absolutely helpful.


    What I meant was how much can you safely mill off the bandit block.

    Lets say I was looking for stock bandit conpression. 9.5 I think or something or rather. So how much do I mill off the block.

    My question wasnt so much about how much boost I can run with how much compression... well it was... but my mistake the real question is how much do I mill the block to reach... yea that.

  8. So I just ordered a set of hayabusa pistons. having ideas on probably using the proboost street kit. I have the engine almost out of my spare bandit. Aside from a couple rounded out header bolts. I have 2 first gen bandits. one that I'm currently riding and one thats a spare. . I'm setting up and trying to make connections figuring out who's going to do the engine work around here and whatnot... And also gathering input.

    I'm looking for anything right in the 200 hp range. If it makes 220 230 that would be great. But the main priority is having it stay together for a few thousand miles.

    So of course I have lots of questions still even with the treasure vault of info we have here. Again this is my first time. Everybody's gotta start somewhere. Please spare me the old "I learned by just doing it and blowing mine up a bunch of times and thats how you should learn too..."  I'm trying to get all the info I can and get it right the first time.


    Ok here goes question #1. Compression ratio. The hayabusa pistons Drop compression. Since I'm only looking for 200-230 hp I dont necessarily need 8:1 compression. I wonder if I would like the bike to have a little bit of it's own bandit grunt still intact before the turbo hits. What is a safe amount to mill the block to bump the compression up a smidge? Or should I just leave it low compression and let the turbo run the show?


    Thanks for any input whilst I scour the threads for more input.


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