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Posts posted by baldrick

  1. Oooh it looks quite good doest it.?

    Thank you very much for doing this, now i just have to choose one.

    im drawn to the top left one and the bottom left one. Think it loooks bettter with the white outline, but which one?

    im painting my gsxr just now, and gave it its first coat of primer filler yesterday.




  2. Hello again,

    Im in need of some help (no.....not that kind of help).

    I am about to start painting one of my EFEs and was hoping that there might be a techno wizard/ IT guru/ someone under 30 lol)  who could help an aged old duffer by doing a bit of photoshopping for me, as i wouldnt know where to start.

    I was hoping someone might manage to photoshop a  black/ red punching stripe paint scheme EFE, but replace the red section with silver , and another pic  with the red replaced again, this time with white .


    In case you cant guess i only have black white and silver paint ha ha, but if you've seen the price of paint lately, then it wont be too much of a surprise


    If anyone can help i would be very grateful.



  3. hello, ive not been on here for a while, and im old and forgetful, so could some kind chap can help.

    i removed the sidestand cut out and  wiring, and am wondering where the blue neutral wire goes?. the one from the neutral swich under the sprocket cover 

    is it just back to the neutral switch at the clocks or what?


    thanks for any help offered

  4. thats what im hoping for, to be honest. ive  a standard katana and after modern stuff it feels like riding a chopper ha ha..

    i wont go into the er, handling of them.

    my local dealer has a picture of his old man getting his knee down on a standard kat, back in the day - bloody looonie

  5. cheers.

    Looks like it will be top hats then.

     The frame is getting blasted next week, and im giving it a coat of etch primer, hi build, then 2 pack black/l clear coat.

    I have a bandit arm which i would like to put into this, but better finish some other stuff first, like my harris.

    Thanks for the heads up, gues i will have to make another bottom mount too.

  6.  cheers for the replies,

    ive not been on heremuch of late, but now that you mention it, i t rings a distant  bell about the bottom mounts .

    i  didnt know about the pissy swingarm mount tho. Whats the best remedy for that then? sleeve the swinger or line bore the frame?


    sorry wraith but i need this frame for my 1100 engine.and wanted to keep and convert the other one for katana bodykit ive got. if i hear of anything i will let you know tho.

    • Like 1
  7. frame, yes  just the frame and swinger  is now 5 and a half grand, , plus vat!.  That's half the budget on just the frame

    Now im not knocking the craftsmanship that goes into it, but f*ck me that's a lot of cash ...........................so, er don't think so.

    Ill maybe just do my other katana instead I reckon, when I have the time.

  8. i did that same tank mod on my harris, to rid myself of the horrible section at the bottom of the tank.

    i also incorporated 2 mounts which mount the tank to the frame, instead of those stupid rubber bands. Made an extension at the front of the tank too, and did a boss in the frame. All mounted on rubber washers on top of stainless, to prevent the vibes destroyin the tank or braze.

    Looks much better


    • Like 1
  9. Dont tell me, his 50th by any chance?


    thats why i was lookin for it . was plannin treatinj myself but i suppose its back to its spiritual home now, so i cant complain.


    I may try gia for a frame price for somethin similar, to house either a busa motor (fugly but rapid) or my 1340 gsxr but i would probably be nearer 60 by the time it was built lol.

    I also thought about an alloy z1B style frame and bodywork with the 1340 gsxr  motor., in a sanctuary stylee.



    Its either that or a v4 aprilla tuono or S1000RR, but everyone has one of them?



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