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Everything posted by bob654

  1. Good news, next job then.
  2. New inlet rubbers, and all is good, thank you. Twits are almost indistinguishable from the populace.
  3. No diaphragm, on these. Thanks.
  4. My guess.Is 3 is flooding cos the fuel air screw is broken and so, not firing. When the vacuum is removed it allows a different mix and fires, then upsetting the mix for 4. Leaving it impossible to set / balance.
  5. Hi, I have been trying to track down a cylinder not firing problem. I would like to run a check list by you guy, please. I have swapped coils. No difference. I have swapped plugs, no difference. Swapped leads, no difference. I have good compression. Pulling off the vacuum pipe. makes it change cylinder. I put new o-rings on inlet rubbers, so they are tight. Exhaust is good. So before I bolt on the new carbs, and then cant return them if the problem persists, cos, " he cant sell used as new" ( fair enough), which arrive tomorrow, with rubbers and pods, can you tell me, if you all agree, it's carbs? Although the idea of new carbs is appealing, the thought of having spent the cash and still having the problem! Is sickening, honestly.
  6. I am going to check the valve timing then go from there. Valve timing reset ignition timing with strobe then replace carb with poor pilot fuel screw, either with second hand single carb or buy a set of Mikuni RS 34mm's. https://www.Eblag.co.uk/itm/Mikuni-RS-Carburetor-Kit-34mm-Smoothbore-pumper-carbs-Suzuki-Kawasaki-Yamaha/193008447464?epid=242580111&hash=item2cf0332fe8:g:xgcAAOSwyuFeWf7o Need some overtime.
  7. Thank you Big T GS750 1078 import ( usa)
  8. the GS1000's look the same certainly and in so cases are called VM26 is this enough?
  9. Yes , a very easy fix, as it went.
  10. Mikuni VM26SS. The pilot fuel screw ( on the bottom) on of these has been over tightened and now can stick up through the bottom of the venturi I saw this when I rebuilt them and considered it to be usable with care, I now have my doubts. I want to wait for the remote fuel tank to arrive so I can have an other go , ignition timing, checking plugs, before pulling the carbs again. I have, however been looking to replace this carb if its the culprit ( I cant remember which one it is, I thought if I didn't know it wouldn't cloud my judgement). Can anyone tell me if the GS1000 had the same carbs?
  11. Bench synced I was about to start tuning for the first time when it started missing.
  12. In the cylinder head? oss?
  13. Does that mean two is the master. Yes left to right.
  14. I want to add. Spark plugs are black sooty I thought this might be because of all the stop start and no riding.What do you people think? I could go one rating down to burn off the deposits? From B8ES ,to, B7ES?
  15. No, I swapped from one out-let one one carb to an other out-let on a different carb. I was sort of thinking ,- Is it getting fuel cos its the two end cylinders that are playing up? I bought this to learn more, and, I am certainly puzzled more.
  16. Things is, it was then it wasn't working, and jumping cylinders is just incredible . I will try more throttle today. I do have a stroboscope and I will try that, cheers. All screws and floats, and needles are the same, factory, plus V and H exhaust, recommended settings. I don't know what the valve clearances are. I'm not happy with the plugs, when I tested for spark it seemed keener to arc through the side than spark through the electrode end, and have sent for new, reputable ones, also a fuel bag, to hang up, so I can stop taking the tank on and off after every check or adjustment. Thank you Reinhoud.
  17. Hi, again. I did quite a bit of work on the GS750 today. When I was packing up to come home I thought I would start her. Only ran on three again, cylinder 3 again. So I checked ; coils, plugs ( swapped with old seemed to make a difference to the overall running, I may have bought knock offs on Eblag) . With all the testing and swapping, tank on, tank off, tank on, I lost track a little, anyway, now runs on cylinder three, only not on cylinder four. Also swapped the vacuum hose for the tank, from 2 to 1 carb. When I found out it swapped cylinders ,I checked/ swapped plugs, and leads, to various cylinders, no difference. I can guess, its some fleck of dirt in my spotlessly clean carb 4 ,but I cant think of anything else. If I run it with the plug out on 4, theres no vapour comes out. Would revving hard in neutral bring in the other jet and produce vapour? Also a bit of a coincidence, isint it? 3 then 4 but different reasons? Any ideas?
  18. Mine was a lot easier to move than that. If I lifted mine it would fall when let go. When you see the pawl spring size, a stiffness like that would be all it would take to stop it doing its job. I think thats your problem.
  19. He just answered you on youtube too.
  20. Perhaps the part 26 is not returning correctly. In the 2nd youtube clip with the other guys bike, he responds to another enquiry with this answer;- soapbox94 2 months ago I had to make just the slightest adjustment to the spring. It was a while ago, but a vice and vice grips did the job. And it was just a slight adjustment (tune) to get it centered. Took me 20 seconds to make the adjustment, and got it on the first try. Even if you get a new spring, it might need to be adjusted to work perfectly. I call it tuning. That spring will change with heat, time, and oil soaking. REPLY
  21. Look forward to you getting it fixed.
  22. When I got the shifter shaft in position it worked. I have a feeling your may be clutch related?
  23. I got the bike on the road today and out for a 5 mile run for the first time since I bought the bike 3 1/2 years ago.
  24. Good News. Thanks to GS7_11 For his substantial knowledge, and clutch holding tool. I got the bike on the road today and out for a 5 mile run for the first time since I bought the bike 3 1/2 years ago. I am very pleased with the way it ran and still have enough things need doing to keep me busy. It runs, idles, pulls, changes gears well and the other systems are operational too. As usual thank you for your help.
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