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  1. Never thought of valves touching each other when over reved. Cheers you might have solved my mystery
  2. I thought that. If the valves open it cant hydraulic lock as the fuel will not be contained
  3. You could be right there.i never thought of that
  4. cam timing was spot on - my first thought, it did smell of old fuel in the bores maybe it did hydraulic lock - dont know if that would bend valves but ive seen bent rods from it
  5. Nope. I need it for spares for my other gs550s. Just trying to work out why this has happened
  6. There not blanking plugs to blank off vacuums are they?
  7. Oops. Im not advertising for work i dont need anymore.just trying to help and offer free advice
  8. Teapot parts are dirt cheap and you could probably get the back wheel in too
  9. Ive read the rules but didnt think i jad done anything wrong. Appologies if i have
  10. Now im really confused. Someone please enlighten me and not in code
  11. Not got a clue what you are saying vizman
  12. Most suzuki forks will fit but dont forget if you are going 17" front wheel you will need longer forks like gsxr1100 as opposed to gsxr750. There is a fork comparison chart on here somewhere and google have a look for the longer usd ones. Cant post prices
  13. Yep the later550 uses the same bearings as some of the usd forks but as you sayits stem length that differs.i have no idea why stem swaps are risky. When its all bolted up where can it go as the forks will hold it together, we have done loads eithou problems.Ive got some spare gs500 front ends as ive put a 750srad one in my gs500 with gt500 engine.
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