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Posts posted by Sheep

  1. There were some lovely Suzuki's there last night.I particularly liked the red GS1000 Wes rep complete with #34 number boards adorning the front and seat sides....anyone here???....also another GS1000 with some nice period after market parts....

    I now have an unhealthy obsession with two strokes once the RGV left,leaving us with a nice smell of Pro2..mmmm

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  2. I believe you parked just up the road from me not far from the pub,not far from the show entrance....If so it looked a good clean bike mate.

    Like a doofus I forgot my phone but it didn't bother me too much as I thought there wouldn't be that many OSS's about...I was wrong.What lacked in GSXR's was made up for in GT's and RG's....typical!!.....It was good to see so many oldies being used as intended too.

  3. Strictly speaking not an OSS affair but there is a handful of Suzuki's who turn up out of the woodwork most years....This show is held every Bank Hol Monday if anyone is interested in classic bikes.

    A whole range of bikes from 80's/90's right back to war era converge on the small village of Wimbotsham near Downham Market,Norfolk.

    Its a good turn out especially if the suns out....food stalls and a pub too ;)

    I will be going on the Suzuki to show other marques how to build a bike :D

  4. First time I fitted this it seemed a pain in the arse but it is much simpler if you have the drum held by a vice or a helper while you feed the wire around the outside.Make sure the wire fits it every groove on the perimeter or it will not seem long enough to go around.

    Once I had it fitted I did wonder what the fuss was about lol

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  5. It happened after rain....could it be a poor seal around the petrol filler cap??...This would also cause problems when the bike is dry as it's already in the tank.....or perhaps its carb related and just a coincidence that it started when it was raining !!....not wanting to compound your problems :(

  6. I have been to this every year except this year as I was working but I may not have gone due to how much the cost has risen for entry since North One production have taken over...when Sideburn was in control it seemed a much more relaxed/tongue in cheek affair,not saying that those riding were not having fun you understand,but it just seemed to get more commercialised and money orientated....I believe they are still holding it next year but have a 'snow' event also planned.....

    Maybe I am getting too old and miserable lol


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  7. I made mine....cost me a few quid in material but much more in time/labour....Its simply a quick release filler cap and a dummy next to it.I had no need for the real McCoy but wanted the look..

    I love the Racefit stuff but I don't have that sort of money,besides I like to experiment and it's satisfying to boot.

    DSCN0241 (2).JPG

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  8. Hands up who is the idiot!!!!....

    Tonight I ordered some l/h and r/h rose joints and other bits to fab me some proper links and it occurred to me I may not have fitted the other ones correctly....Sure enough I went to the shed only to find I had put the bolt through the first hole (out of 3 available) which meant the bike was at its original height!!!!....

    I proceeded to move the bolt to the end hole but could only manage to get it into the middle hole just before the number plate touched the tyre lol....But it looked fooking sweet :D

    It amazed me how little you needed to move the pivot point to bring the back down....As soon as I get the better links fabbed up I will post a 'correct' picture.

    By the way,is there a rule of thumb to lowering the front 'x' amount to match the rear???

  9. Okey doke...advice on lowering the back further???....is it simply longer links again?(Bearing in mind its still on the road ;) )...and if so would this have negative effects on the shock I'm using?

    Cheers guys.

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