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Posts posted by Sheep

  1. Hi guys....Firstly I will apologise for not meeting all of you although those I did get to meet were real decent people...This weekend was a mixed bag for us (family) due to the missus becoming ill on Friday night bless her...she spent most of Saturday wrapped up in the tent which meant I had to keep the kids entertained.They found it hard being cooped up out of the rain.....

    As for the track action I was definitely in the wrong group as guys were passing me like I was pushing my bike around,Yoshi springs to mind haha..I did consider moving groups at the beginning but I thought if I stayed in the fast group it would make you all look better.The first session out I span the back wheel exiting the paddock,not a good start and did the same thing everytime i ent up the hill,i may not of got any air but the drifting must have looked cool,then again maybe not....I did tag onto the back of an Exup i think and kept him honest...i even passed him on my last session,hurrah!!!...i also forgot to pick up my clear visor which was stupid...(any more excuses)..

    Then to cap it all my daughter rang me to say her baby is having to go in the the hospital :( ..its all good though,just a slight panic for a moment.

    Shame about the weather but at least i learned how to roll the throttle on better in the wet,i also need to get the carbs running better,and i need some of those tyres you guys ran ;)

    Oh and last thing,those Dutch guys are 'really crazy guys yesh'.....Thanks OSS....

    • Like 3
  2. imagesnnnnnnnnnnnn.jpg

    Petrol check

    Tools check

    Tent check

    Leather suit tested for fitting er,check.......

    The bike is almost ready.50 miles on the road under its belt,a little fluffy on the idle fuelling,still getting to grips with the flatslides and throttle....ready for a thrashing around Cadwell ???....its not perfect but who cares..its gonna be a hoot...


  3. Now there's a bargain...if you are only spectating but want to camp over all you need to do is pay for a BBQ....with that you get  good food (allegedly lol) a wristband keepsake and free camping all for less than paying for the pitch on its own...oh and not forgetting the comedy of watching some rickety guys on rickety bikes (speaking for myself) going around a race track...what more could you want?

    • Like 1
  4. What time are you planning on doing the fine food/burgers/green stuff etc and will the menu be in English??.....also,are there any rules on bringing kids as i am finding hard to re-home mine.(Once i mentioned camping they wanted to come)...i promise if they play up you have my permission to use them as beer assistance's (is that even a word?)

  5. 23 hours ago, fatblokeonbandit said:

    Fliipin' 'eck its less than 3 weeks away..:o:o

    Don't remind me....mines been MOT'd since April,yet its spent almost all the time since then in the shed with carb/ignition issues...although waiting on new parts has been the problem.It takes a week for some parts to come less than 40 miles away!!!!..Those weeks all add up.As some as the rectifier turns up this week i will be out every night until the carbs run good enough for a track day...i'm cutting it fine :o.I will be gutted if i miss out.

  6. So,i took cbr2gsxr's advice and set the floats higher and straight away the motor sounded better....at first it sounded good.I took it around the block and it was running on 3...i took the plug from cyl3 and put a dry one in.It now runs on all four...well shit the bed....(i am not getting too excited just yet as the way this bike has been going something else will pop up...)

    I fired her up one more time after resting it for an hour and it still sounds so much better...i need to fine tune it now i reckon...but its getting there..what an ordeal....

    I now need to replace the rectifier as its goosed....and the battery as that's goosed too....

    Talk about chasing my tail.....

    • Like 1
  7. Hi mate..i have bench synched them 2-3 times already.I used #3 as the base and adjusted the rest to suit.Its running 130 mains,17.5 pilots,needle on middle clip,floats at 17mm as you say...last night i started with the mix screws wound out at 3/4 turns but an exhaust backfire made me think it was a little weak so winding them out to 1 1/2 seemed to cure the backfire but still did not cure the misfiring.It just seems odd that it is only a problem on 1 and 4....maybe its all a red herring but its getting so annoying and i hate throwing money at parts when they are not needed.

    As for the 40's,those would easily flood if i  fluffed up the starting.To be honest i have tried so many things to get this bike running i am staring to question myself what i've done so far.When i first got the bike i tried to get it running the next day after giving the 40's a clean.I got it running with a backfire from the exhaust when revved up.I think this issue has been with bike from the off.What started as a fixer upper is turning into a complete replacement.I will have a completely different bike from that which i bought soon.

    The plugs to 1 and 4 will get wet if it doesn't fire so fuel is there and spark is evident from the plugs.The damn thing should run.

    I will try the floats one more time.

    btw,i have had it running on the road at least once where i thought it was all ok.However i am not so sure it has been perfect.I believe i have had some sort of fuel/ignition problem from day one.

  8. It wasn't the ignitor...bollocks....im all out of ideas now.

    Mind you,i did find the battery was reading a very high voltage when running....16+volts...and when at rest it still read over 13...i borrowed my other bikes battery and the readings where normal.I also noticed one connector on a generator wire looked really suspect.I sorted all these out but still no luck...i even took back all the loom tape to find any faults,and i still cant understand why one coil energises when flicking the kill switch and the other doesn't.The coil that energises is the one that powers the good cylinders....

    I think its time for a garage......:(

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