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  1. Super. Thanks. then I know what to wish from Santa Claus!
  2. Is it brembo rcs 19 you are using and is the lever operation light enough for normal city riding with it? Earlier I was planning to have rcs 16 to match my brembo brake cylinder but understood that it would not work. Now looking at rcs 19 I see online stores not recommending it (apart some d*catis) and stating it would be heavy to use on other applications. would be great to know if someone has used it and confirm it works for oilboiler!
  3. This was a good tip! been looking these as well and now they are on their way.. thanks
  4. Thanks again. Looking over internet it is definiletly not Vance & Hines. Did not manage to find M/N model Yoshi exhaust picture I guess I will call it Yoshi and live happily ever after. btw. I don’t understand Yoshimura’s logic not to offer any new exhausts for slingshots. However duplex system for slabbie seems to be well available.
  5. Thanks, mine is different. Diameter is 38mm and the pipes go for the collector pipe in different order. Damn, was hoping this to be Yoshi one.
  6. Hi, just wondering if anyone would recognize which header is this? This came with other 1100 M years ago and always thought it is some cheap one, but now been seeing few very similar ones on sale as Yoshimura ones. there is no markings on the header (or they are under sandblasting and paint). Would be great to know where the markings should be (if it is Yoshi) or if someone can tell which is it. Dont mind the end can, that is ugly selfmade one. Thanks!
  7. I also made custom lower mount, have not yet managed to get bike rolling, but at least without spring the swingarm movement seems progressive as it should be. I had few test units first done as 3d print to ensure correct position and progression. Found inspiration from here but no drawings so with a help of friend made my own. 1100n frame, k1 1000 swingarm, k5 1000 shock and a mix of k1-k5 linkage parts. Most likely needs custom dog bones to get balance right. Might even need repositioning of top mount, plan is to make all fit without cutting anything on frame. few pics attached
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