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    Bolton, England

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  1. Thanks for the replies @TonyGee& @DAZ I shall check the pilot screws and floats again. The carbs are the standard ones 34 mm for a Gsx1100 f and are a pain to get the stubs on and off for balancing, having to take carbs off each time.
  2. Having taken engine out to replace head gasket after oil leaking on cyls. 2 and 3. Checked and adjusted tappets. Put it all back together, balanced carbs, all within one line on Carbtune. Engine now ticks over fine. However, number 4 cyl running hotter than other three. #1 85/90 C, #2 90/100 C, #3 90/100 C, #4 150/165 C. Tried brake cleaner around inlets, no change. I’m checking temps with a laser sensor on exhaust pipes. Bit stumped at the moment, any help appreciated.
  3. Thanks for the reply @DAZand @bunk I’ve heard it mentioned many times but not known what it was.
  4. ‘scuse me ignorance, just what is a piano wired block? What’s it used for and what are the benefits? cheers David
  5. inmate

    Carb tuning

    @wraithmanaged to get the tank a little lower at the rear using an on/off tap. Where is the best place to buy bigger jets ? or is there only Dynojet?
  6. inmate

    Carb tuning

    Have made up a plate with a 90 degree elbow and a brass on/off tap, it’s given me a bit more room to lower the tank, but still not happy with it. May need a re-think.
  7. inmate

    Carb tuning

    I’ve raised the rear of the tank so the tap just clears the carb top, but not happy with the look
  8. inmate

    Carb tuning

    I couldn’t lift the engine without it, not with my old bones Had to raise the tank and move it back, the top yoke hit it. Then of course, as you’ve found, the fuel tap hits the top of the carbs, so more mods to be done.
  9. inmate

    Carb tuning

    Coming along Shiny new exhaust But of course the feckin tank don’t fit now.
  10. inmate

    Carb tuning

    Cam cover off, sump off, oil strainer/pickup off. Pain in arse to get in but it’s in. r send.
  11. inmate

    Carb tuning

    @wraithyes I’ll try 125 mains as you suggest. Just want to get it up and running n MOTd for the summer, then maybe make it shiny n stuff over next winter, dependent on available funds. I thought a dynojet kit would get me there for the least cost. @TonyGeeI can’t use either air boxes, just not got the room. This is how she started down the modification road, with a GXR1100K front end.
  12. inmate

    Carb tuning

    Thanks for the reply @peter1127. You are correct about checking everything then taking it to a Dyno specialist, however the price of original emulsion tubes, needles etc. plus a variety of jets has forced me to look at a Dynojet kit. The bike has been built, so far, on a minimal budget and that is how it will have to be. Perhaps I will try larger jets, at present the mains are 112.5 and 110, the needles look to be ok. Maybe 125s as @wraithsuggested to @Ivanon Ivan’s 6/11 build. cheers David
  13. inmate

    Carb tuning

    Need help with setting up Carbs on an 1100 powerscream. I have fitted a 1991, 1127 powerscreen (katana ) engine into my GS650gt frame, Blackwidow 4-1 with Cobra end can, Ramair twin pod foam filters, trumpets from 1100 air box, on standard 34 mm? carbs. I’ve been advised that a Dynojet stage 3 is the way to go for decent running. However Dynojet do not list a kit for this engine in the UK. They do list a kit on their dot com site for a 1988 gsx1100f (katana ) which apparently is the same as a GSXR 1100, 86-88, but this is not stocked in UK. Does anyone know/suggest a kit that will work with my set-up. Thanks in advance for your combined Oldskoolsuzuki knowledge. Cheers, David.
  14. Serious skills
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