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Everything posted by Perkele

  1. Perkele


    Quite possible that I'll need to lift the rear a bit. I have other exhaust if sidewinder makes turning to right too difficult.But it looks good.
  2. Perkele


    Took this outside today first time in 2 years, had it running and it idles fine. Few little things to do and I'll be riding it this summer.
  3. Perkele


    I have only 4, I think there's still plenty around for both of us in Finland. I have spare front fairings if you need one?
  4. Perkele


    Yes I know, I'm a hoarder. I bought this as an unfinished project.
  5. Perkele


    Earlier today..
  6. Perkele


    Other people can keep their faired ones, I prefer mine naked.
  7. Perkele


    I'm trying to save the world from faired Efe's, one by one..
  8. Perkele


    Good idea but I didn't take any photos of it,all I have is one pic from the moment when I bought it.
  9. Perkele


    There won't be one until I have time to actually do something to the bike..I have other bikes which have been waiting to be finished for too long, this other Efe is one of them.
  10. Perkele


    I feel better already.
  11. Perkele


    Did few wheelies today, had to quit playing after quite horrible steering wobble which allmost threw me on the ground. I forgot that stock suspension is made out of rubber.
  12. Perkele


    I'm in here.. https://www.google.fi/maps/place/Lappeenranta/@60.9110672,27.1725494,8z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x46909596caab9fd9:0x7664ac80a9880f97
  13. Perkele


    Time will tell, I have other projects to finish before I'll start working with this. I'd like to have turbo Efe one day, your bike is one of the best looking ever.
  14. Perkele


    Definitely want to sell fairings and bags, problem is that I live in Finland..want to come and pick them up from here?
  15. Perkele


    By the end of the week I will take bags and front fairing off but before that I have to take some wheelie photos.
  16. Perkele


    Bought this few days ago, those period-correct Krauser bags are so ugly it hurts my eyes.
  17. 320hp Busa, tyre lasted 200km and I didn't do any burnouts, only highspeed drifting.
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