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    Ohio, US

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  1. Airbox/filter is attached. Would the mixture screw be in the float chamber or the brass screws on top the carbs by the manifolds? Thanks again.
  2. Perhaps I should clarify some more with what has already been done. I have already taken the carbs off and cleaned them and the jets thoroughly so they are not dirty and non-functional, but I did not seaparate the carbs from each other in the process so they shouldn't need synced. I was hoping to get some insight on the issue before tearing the carbs apart again. Thanks for the any feedback.
  3. Hello, I was hoping somebody could help me out with the starting issue im having on my 1980 gs550l that I am currently restoring. So far the only way I've been able to start the bike is with starting fluid, but it absolutely refuses to start on its own. Once it starts, it runs good, but at idle it always drops in rpm until it stalls. When running, it is also slow to return to idle when it is revved up. The carbs are getting gas and the bike is getting spark. Any idea on what the problem could be? Air/Fuel mix? Bad coils? I appreciate any and all help and input. Thanks.
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