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Everything posted by MikeSwe

  1. Just refitted the cover and when running i get a oil leak on top of the cover,. I assume it leaks internally also thereby losing oil pressure to the rest of that part of the valvetrain. So i decied to go for a used cover, found online for a resonable price so i bought it.
  2. Thanks! I used a torque wrench set to 11nm as specified in the workshop manual. Im quiet sertain that my fault was not realising that one of the gaskets around the spark plug had dropped of the cover
  3. Hi, New to this forum and wanted to get your opinion on my cracked cover for the cylinder head. Intstalling the cover after i made the valve adjustment today i heard a loud crack, it was when i torqued the bolt by the arrow. I had som trouble manuvering in the cover and i think i must have dropped the gasket around the spark plug and when tightening the bolt i stretched the cover beyond its limits. So now i have a crack going looking somewhat like the line i put in the exploded view, it also goes through the oilfeed line that is cast into the cover. Not a good start to the day, messing up like this. I see three options that i have. - Put the cover back and torque it down with all in place and hope for the best - Take a rotating file like a dremel and machining a wider area along the crack and fill it with something like JB weld. - Source a used cover What are your thoughts on this? Sorry for any misspelling, I live in sweden. Thanks for any help. Regards, Mike
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