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Everything posted by Bearjew

  1. Going to get a new battery.
  2. Right, which I ended up doing but is there a reason why? I am more used to seeing the one on the left. I had never seen one like the one on the right didnt know if there was a reason for the difference. Converstation piece here: I had debated keeping the original paint but upon further examination and buffing attempts I believe it is too far gone. A chip by the pin stripe revealed that the brown gloss color was laid down over the nice flake color. Why would they paint the entire tank a nice flake color and then cover it up? I really wish there was a way to keep the color underneath and remove that top gloss brown. Sanding and paint removal is probably in the near future for this tank. What process/steps do you all normally use when repainting a tank?
  3. I know it isn't much but I did some spark plugs today and some surface rust removal in spots. Got my starter rebuild kit ordered from Wemoto. Waiting on that to come in. Anybody help me understand the difference in these spark plug ends?
  4. So for an update. My starter is definitely dead. Rebuild kit will be on the way while I clean up what I can salvage of it.
  5. Thanks! I will check it out.
  6. Anybody know if this piece is the same brushes in the GS1100 starter? https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/intermotor-starter-brush-set-x622/3041441-p?utm_medium=bx-c2&utm_source=et&utm_term=prospects&utm_campaign=em1&utm_content=productabandonment25-P-P1-SL2&ibx_source=bqdk7epvv0k4m1m7i6dg&coupon_code=YAM3BX&ueh=011798c5b37f3785f03ec1099010c27adde0ed99e346f67efb0799516d2a8420
  7. Hello! So, I have had my bike for a few years. I have been having starter trouble. Hits off and on so with that issue I have decided to just go all in on a customization. I will track that here if anybody wants to pitch in advice, thoughts, experience feel free. See pictures below in no particular order. I am curently at the starter stage the complete pictures are before disassembly. Enjoy!
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