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GS650G Katana '81 camshafts timing values


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Hello everybody...

I hope here I will find answers to my questions regards  my GS650 ..

I've just bought several boxes of metal which seems to be 650' dissabembeled into parts.. Found most of them inside and statred restoration. The reason I wanted 650 is that I owned ones in 2004 (I was 23 at that time). Today house is buld my wife and kids are there... so it is time again to return on the road. I would write about dirt motorcycles which I rode for past 10 years - but obvioulsy you will BAN my acount - according to the rules I red...

Now it is time for engine -it was not started for past 7 years - so I wanted to check vlave clearence - but what I found was nice piece of rust around camshafts. I removed all the rusty "glue" and what I found is that my cam lobes are affected by corrosion. Tappets and shims defended that process and there is literaly no sign of corrosion - jus by cleaning. Unfortunatelly camshaft lobes are having rust pittings also after polishing with soft polishing disc. 

The conclusiton is that I can not start engine with this shitt inside - unless I want to use that bike for more than a few days.

Guys.. I have some repair manual instruction but I'm missing the information about timming values before TDC etc... I mean when, and for how long intake valve is openning and same applies for exhaust. Could someone share with me those pages from the service manual ?? or share the complete service manual.

We want to grind the cam lobes to get rid of rusty pittings (0.1 mm maybe 0.2mm) but the guy who has this special machine for grinding asked me to find out that data, since he needs that for machine setup. 


I also check on Eblag for any used parts but what I found is the same conditions (part of them are rusty and part simply worn out )...

I also have another question - Do you maybe know if GS650 camshafts are hardened only or they are also nitrided? We need to know what to do next with grinded and polished cam lobes ... In case it is only hardened we hope that atfer grinding and polising nothing has to be applied  - since the hardened layer thickness should be 0.5 mm inside the material..



Adam. PL


(PS.. Yes I know my English is not perfect - sorry about that) 

















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