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Posts posted by Hibbi

  1. Haha thanks for all the answers! :D
    I have come to the conclusion that no matter what the problem is, it will be cheaper to buy a newer one.

    I think it goes on all cylinders for it rolls as it did before ticking, but it has always attracted a lot of oil.
    See here in the future if I have the time to start checking or if I should sell it for a cheap price.

    What would you give for it? xD

  2. Hi!

    Posted a video on youtube.


    When it revving up I have pull the choke.

    Would anyone be able to say what the problem is.
    I fixed the valves two years ago, but at the end of last year there was very little oil in the machine.

    The valves may have taken a beating, or is there a bearing that has gone bad



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